Displaying 3291 - 3300 of 5582
L'aide en cas de catastrophe naturelle
Les catastrophes naturelles telles que le
passage du cyclone Mitch n'ont pas un caractère exceptionnel : elles s'abattent régulièrement sur les mêmes pays. La comparaison des dégâts provoqués par…
Aide aux petites entreprises
La Banque a participé à de nombreuses opérations d'aide aux petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) pour encourager l'embauche de travailleurs à bas salaires et pour diversifier et élargir l'activité économique.…
Support for Smaller Enterprises
The Bank has often supported small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) to encourage employment of lower-paid wage earners and to diversify and broaden the base of an economy. The strategy for smaller enterprises has…
Tunisia - Education and Training Project
The outcome of the project is rated
as satisfactory; institutional development as modest;
sustainability as likely; borrower performance as
satisfactory; and Bank performance as…
Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Uganda
Post-colonial events in Uganda are most easily divisible into four periods corresponding to the dominant political regimes: The newly independent government of Obote from 1963-71; the Amin Era 1971-79; Obote II 1980-85…
Post-Conflict Reconstruction: El Salvador
The war resulted in about 80,000 deaths; thousands more wounded and disabled; a half million displaced; and the flight of roughly a million Salvadorans to the US. The civil war in El Salvador stems, at least in part,…
Philippines : Crise et perspectives
Avec le ferme soutien des institutions internationales et de la communauté des bailleurs de fonds, notamment àtravers cinq opérations d'ajustement structurel financées par la Banque mondiale, les…
Disaster Assistance
Natural disasters such as Hurricane Mitch are recurrent rather than single events: the same kinds of disasters strike the same nations repeatedly. When the devastation caused by storms or other natural disasters in…
Nepal - Narayani III Irrigation Project, Sunsari Morang Irrigation II Project, and Sunsari Morang Headworks Project
This audit rates the performance of
the Narayani III Irrigation, Sunsari Morang Irrigation II,
and Sunsari Morang Headworks Projects for Nepal. The
Narayani III Irrigation Project was…
A Borrower's View of the World Bank: Is It Effective?
A Gallup survey of borrowing countries' views and an OED study* "The Effectiveness of the Bank's Appraisal Process: An OED Study," by Alain Barbu, Report No. 17167, November 13, 1997. Available from. . . reviewed the…