
Displaying 4961 - 4970 of 5577

India - Wheat Storage Project

While the Bank and Borrower’s performances were deemed satisfactory the Project expectations failed to materialize in two respects: in changing INIA's whole approach towards research…

Zambia - Integrated Family Farming Project

While the Bank and Borrower’s performances were deemed satisfactory the Project expectations failed to materialize in two respects: in changing INIA's whole approach towards research…

Ceylon - Mahaweli Ganga Development Project

The Mahaweli Ganga Development Project in Ceylon was economically and socially successful. Certain problems associated with project development remain, such as cost recovery,…

Thailand - Bangkok Water Supply Project

The Mahaweli Ganga Development Project in Ceylon was economically and socially successful. Certain problems associated with project development remain, such as cost recovery,…

Ivory Coast - Fourth Oil Palm and Coconut Project

The Fourth Oil Palm and Coconut Project for the Ivory Coast was essentially a planting/production operation. It increased the areas under oil palm and coconut production in the Ivory…

Ecuador - Fisheries Project

The Fourth Oil Palm and Coconut Project for the Ivory Coast was essentially a planting/production operation. It increased the areas under oil palm and coconut production in the Ivory…

Turkey - Transmission Projects

A key objective of the Turkey Power Transmission Projects was to help the government reorganize and consolidate the electric power sector and place it on a sound financial footing.…

Panama - Livestock Development Project

A key objective of the Turkey Power Transmission Projects was to help the government reorganize and consolidate the electric power sector and place it on a sound financial footing.…

Burma - Telecommunications Project

A key objective of the Turkey Power Transmission Projects was to help the government reorganize and consolidate the electric power sector and place it on a sound financial footing.…

Argentina - Balcarce Livestock Development Project

Rating for the Balcarce Livestock Development Project for Argentina was as follows: Bank performance was satisfactory. Government policies toward the agricultural sector and,…