
Displaying 191 - 200 of 5578
When the financing stops: the World Bank, Chad, and shades of engagement

When the financing stops: the World Bank, Chad, and shades of engagement

Lessons from evaluation point to the merits of continuing analytical work even when direct financial support is prohibited.
Lorsque le financement s’arrête : la Banque mondiale, le Tchad et divers degrés d’engagement

Lorsque le financement s’arrête : la Banque mondiale, le Tchad et divers degrés d’engagement

Les enseignements tirés des évaluations montrent l’intérêt de poursuivre les activités analytiques même lorsque le soutien financier direct est interdit.

Country Program Evaluation - Papua New Guinea: An Evaluation of World Bank Support FY08–22 (Approach Paper)

This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) will assess the World Bank Group’s engagement in Papua New Guinea between FY08 and FY22. The Papua New Guinea has an abundant resource endowment of oil and mineral wealth, but this…
Venture capital or financial support for startup and entrepreneur company, make money idea or idea pitching for fund raising concept, businessman and woman connect lightbulb with money dollar sign.

What next for additionality: promoting better understanding of its role in development

According to the ‘additionality’ principle, Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) such as the World Bank Group’s private sector arm, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), should make a contribution beyond what is…

Universal Digital Inclusion and Usage (Approach Paper)

Available, affordable, and accessible digital connectivity can help deliver essential services, such as education and health care, and lead to an increase in economic growth. High levels of digital inclusion also offer…
Kids raising hands to answer teacher at an elementary school lesson

6 lessons for aligning investments in K-12 private schools with the goal of quality education for all

Enrollment in private primary and secondary education in developing countries has been rising for more than a decade. This comes as public systems struggle to cope with the demand from growing populations. Private…
A child plays with an educational toy resembling a molecule.

An Evaluation of International Finance Corporation Investments in K–12 Private Schools

This is IEG’s first systematic evaluation of the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) direct and indirect investments in kindergarten through grade 12 (K–12) private schools. It analyses the complexities of…
Reader publication

Kyrgyz Republic - The First and Second Development Policy Operations and Programmatic Governance and Competitiveness Development Policy Operation

The World Bank approved two programmatic series of development policy operations (DPOs) from 2013 through 2016 to improve governance and private sector development in the Kyrgyz…

Confronting the Learning Crisis: Lessons from World Bank Support for Basic Education, 2012–22 (Approach Paper)

The achievement of learning outcomes has been a long-standing challenge for education systems across the developing world and has significant consequences for economic development. To realize the development aims of…
Indigenous Fijian girl walking on flooded land in Fiji. On Feb 2016 Severe Tropical Cyclone Winston was the strongest tropical cyclone in Fiji Islands in recorded history.  Image credit: Shutterstock/ChameleonsEye

Building the evidence for more effective disaster risk reduction

After a long hiatus due to the COVID crises, governments will come together in Bali this week to discuss progress on the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.  Organized by the UN…