
Displaying 2851 - 2860 of 5582

Renforcer les capacités de suivi et d'évaluation en Afrique

Une bonne gouvernance, qui s'appuie sur des activités de suivi et d'évaluation, est essentielle au développement durable et rapide de l'Afrique. Telle est la conclusion tirée par les participants aux journÃ…

Les enfants pauvres et l'école : le modèle chilien

L'essor économique du Chili (le revenu était de 4 820 dollars par habitant en 1997), l'éducation primaire universelle, la stabilité politique, et la rareté des catastrophes naturelles et autres sinistres…

Ouganda : pouvoirs publics, participation, population

Quand le gouvernement du Président Museveni a accédé au pouvoir en Ouganda en 1986, il a trouvé une économie dévastée par la guerre. Des réformes favorisant les mécanismes du marché se sont…

Participation in Development Assistance

When primary stakeholders - individuals and community-based organizations - participate in Bank activities, development relevance and outcomes improve. Project-supported activities tend to be more sustainable. There is…

Developing African Capacity for Monitoring and Evaluation

Developing African Capacity for Monitoring and Evaluation reports on a seminar and workshop held in Johannesburg in September. It outlines recent progress and the latest thinking about M&E in the African and donor…

Strengthening Tunisian Municipalities to Foster Local Urban Development

The Municipal Sector Investment Project, partly financed by a $75 million World Bank loan made in 1992, marked the successful beginning of a decentralization effort in Tunisia to strengthen municipalities and transform…

Chile's Model for Educating Poor Children

Chilean schools benefited from the country's economic success (1997 per capita income, US$4,820), universal primary edu-cation, political stability, and few natural and other physical disasters. Chile's municipalities…

Community Forestry in Nepal

Although Nepal is among the world's poorest countries, it is a global leader in engaging communities in forest protection and management. Nepal's community forestry program, more than two decades old, has helped…

Developing African Capacity for Monitoring and Evaluation - Full Proceedings

Developing African Capacity for Monitoring and Evaluation reports on a seminar and workshop held in Johannesburg in September. It outlines recent progress and the latest thinking about M&E in the African and donor…

Paraguay: Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) examines World Bank assistance to Paraguay from 1989-99. Until the mid-1980s, Paraguay experienced long periods of sustained growth based on expansion of agricultural production…