
Displaying 1 - 10 of 15

Thailand - Livestock Development Project

The Education Project for Botswana was satisfactory. The project achieved many of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was modest, sustainability is likely, and the…

Burma - First Forestry Project

This is a project performance audit report on the First Forestry Project in Burma, for which credit was approved in July 1974. The closing date was originally scheduled for March 1981…

Thailand - Rubber Replanting Project

This is a project performance audit report on the First Forestry Project in Burma, for which credit was approved in July 1974. The closing date was originally scheduled for March 1981…

Philippines - Second Highway Project

This is a project performance audit report on the First Forestry Project in Burma, for which credit was approved in July 1974. The closing date was originally scheduled for March 1981…

Philippines - Second Livestock Development Project

This is a project performance audit report on the First Forestry Project in Burma, for which credit was approved in July 1974. The closing date was originally scheduled for March 1981…

Indonesia - Jakarta Urban Development Project

This is a project performance audit report on the First Forestry Project in Burma, for which credit was approved in July 1974. The closing date was originally scheduled for March 1981…

Thailand - Third Education Project

Overall, the First Education Project in Pakistan had mixed operating outcomes, but the majority of the investment has been successful. The physical objectives of the project were…

Korea - Medium Industry Bank Project

Overall, the First Education Project in Pakistan had mixed operating outcomes, but the majority of the investment has been successful. The physical objectives of the project were…

Thailand - Second Education Project

The Engineering Education Project in West Pakistan can be regarded as one of the less satisfactory involvements of the Bank Group in the field of education. The project comprised…

Philippines - Aurora - Penaranda Irrigation Project

The Engineering Education Project in West Pakistan can be regarded as one of the less satisfactory involvements of the Bank Group in the field of education. The project comprised…