
Displaying 2521 - 2530 of 5577

Vers un développement impulsé par les pays: Évaluation multipartite du CDI

Le Cadre de développement intégré (CDI) part d'un postulat essentiel : la façon dont l'aide au développement est dispensée, et pas seulement son contenu, influe beaucoup sur son efficacité, et cette…

Desarrollo dirigido por los propios países: Evaluación conjunta del Marco Integral de Desarrollo

Un aspecto medular del Marco Integral de Desarrollo (MID) es la convicción de que la eficacia de la asistencia depende, en gran medida, de las vías a través de las cuales ésta se suministra, y no meramente…

Adult Literacy: A Review of Implementation Experience

This working paper review's the Bank's experience with implementing adult literacy programs. It finds that overall, the Bank and the rest of the donor community implemented similar strategies toward adult literacy since…

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Bolivia Case Study

This report describes Bolivia's experience implementing the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) principles and is based on a Country Case Study conducted by the World Bank's Operations and Evaluation department in…

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Burkina Faso Case Study

This report presents an analysis of the application of the Comprehensive Development Framework Principles to the process of preparation and implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (Cadre Stratégique de…

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Implementation of Country-led
Partnership in the context of the Comprehensive Development Framework

This working finds that there have been improvements in aid delivery process towards better coordination, country ownership and partnerships, but that these improvements have not been systematic nor can they be…

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Evaluating the CDF -
Ownership and Participation

"Country ownership is the linchpin of the CDF" according to a recent World Bank report on the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF). What is ownership? Why is it so important? And how is it achieved? What factors…

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Ghana Case Study

This report presents Ghana's experience in implementing with the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) principles, based on an evaluation conducted by an international team in April-May 2002. The CDF concept draws…

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Assessing the Development
Impact of CDF-like Experiences

In 1999 the World Bank proposed the "Comprehensive Development Framework: CDF initiative". The CDF vision is articulated around four major principles: long-term, holistic development framework; country ownership of…

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: On the Long-Term Holistic
Development Framework Principle of the CDF: An Evaluation

This paper addresses the following broad issues: (a) review of the emerging consensus on development and the role of the long-term holistic framework on the new development agenda; (b) explore the consequences of…