
Displaying 3921 - 3930 of 5577

Bangladesh - Rural Electrification Project

This is a Performance Audit Report (PAR) on the Rural Electrification (RE) Project for the Bangladesh. The global objectives of the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) RE program were: (a…

Paraguay - Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Highway Projects

This is a Performance Audit Report (PAR) on the Rural Electrification (RE) Project for the Bangladesh. The global objectives of the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) RE program were: (a…

Malawi - Industrial and Trade Policy Adjustment Program Project

This is a Performance Audit Report (PAR) on the Rural Electrification (RE) Project for the Bangladesh. The global objectives of the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) RE program were: (a…

Togo - Third Structural Adjustment Program Project

This is a Performance Audit Report (PAR) on the Rural Electrification (RE) Project for the Bangladesh. The global objectives of the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) RE program were: (a…

Bangladesh - Energy Efficiency and Refinery Rehabilitation Project

This is a Performance Audit Report (PAR) on the Rural Electrification (RE) Project for the Bangladesh. The global objectives of the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) RE program were: (a…

Papua New Guinea - Second and Third Highway Projects

This is the performance audit report (PAR) of the Second Highlands Road Improvement Project, involving an International Development Association (IDA) credit, and of the Third Highway…

Mozambique - Second and Third Rehabilitation Credit Projects

This is the performance audit report (PAR) of the Second Highlands Road Improvement Project, involving an International Development Association (IDA) credit, and of the Third Highway…

Tunisia - Structural Adjustment Loan Project

This is the performance audit report (PAR) of the Second Highlands Road Improvement Project, involving an International Development Association (IDA) credit, and of the Third Highway…

Kenya - Financial Sector Adjustment Credit Project

The Financial Sector Adjustment Credit Project for Kenya was unsatisfactory. The project did not achieve its objectives, institutional development was only partially achieved,…

Zimbabwe - Power Project

This report sets forth the results of a performance audit of the First Power Project the Bank made in Zimbabwe after the political settlement that lsd to the emergence of the country…