
Displaying 1 - 10 of 21

Brazil - Gas Sector Development Project, Sao Paulo Natural Gas Distribution Project, and Hydrocarbon Transport and Processing Project

All three projects had outcomes that were satisfactory or better. The outcome of the Gas Sector Development Project (Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline), was highly satisfactory. Sustainability, in all cases, is likely or…

Private Sector Development in Electric Power: A Review of
World Bank Group Experience (Reach)

The World Bank Group (WBG) should continue to support private sector development in electric power (PSDE) as a key objective. Well-implemented Bank Group PSDE activities can improve sector efficiency in countries…

Private Sector Development in Electric Power: A Review of
World Bank Group Experience (Reach in Japanese)

The World Bank Group (WBG) should continue to support private sector development in electric power (PSDE) as a key objective. Well-implemented Bank Group PSDE activities can improve sector efficiency in countries…

Power for Development: A Review of the World Bank Group's Experience with Private Participation in the Electricity Sector

This study evaluates the performance of the World Bank Group (WBG) during the 1990s in promoting private sector development in the electric power sector (PSDE). This joint review by the WBG's three evaluation units aims…

India - Renewable Resources Development Project

The outcome of the Renewable Resources Development Project is rated as satisfactory, sustainability as likely, institutional development impact as sustainable, Bank performance as satisfactory, and borrower performance…

L'électricité au service du développement: Examen de l'action menée par le Groupe de la Banque mondiale pour promouvoir la participation privée dans le secteur de l'électricité(Power for Development evaluation in French)

La présente étude a pour objet d'évaluer la performance du Groupe de la Banque mondiale dans l'action menée pendant les années 90 pour promouvoir le développement du secteur privé dans le secteur de…

Knowledge Sharing: Power Sector Reform Review

This paper reviews a sample of World Bank documents and web sites on power sector issues and projects. The documents were selected by World Bank staff, and are supposed to represent the best of the Bank's work. The…

Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Experience - (Volume 1: Overview)

This report evaluates the effectiveness of World Bank Group assistance to its clients in enhancing the contribution of the extractive industries (EI) to sustainable development. The evaluation was undertaken by the…

Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Experience - (Volume 2: World Bank Experience)

This report evaluates the effectiveness of World Bank Group assistance to its clients in enhancing the contribution of the extractive industries (EI) to sustainable development. The evaluation was undertaken by the…

Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Experience - (Volume 3: IFC Experience)

This report evaluates the effectiveness of World Bank Group assistance to its clients in enhancing the contribution of the extractive industries (EI) to sustainable development. The evaluation was undertaken by the…