
Displaying 1 - 10 of 58

Myanmar – Completion and Learning Report : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), FY15-FY17, and updated in the Performance and Learning Review (PLR) dated…

Romania - Hazard Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project

Romania’s Hazard Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness (HRMEP) project, which was implemented between 2004 and 2012, was one of the World Bank’s first efforts to provide ex ante assistance to reduce or mitigate a…

Romania - Completion and learning review for the period of FY14-FY18 : IEG review

This review of the World Bank Group’s Completion and Learning Report (CLR) covers the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and the Performance and Learning Review (PLR) dated November 3, 2016. The original CPS period (…

Romania : development policy loan with a deferred drawdown option

This PPAR evaluates the Romania development policy loan with a deferred drawdown option (DPL-DDO). In the fragile postcrisis global economic context, the government requested the €1 billion loan to consolidate fiscal…

Romania - Country partnership strategy completion report (CPSCR) review for the period FY2009-13 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the FY2009-FY2013 Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), and the CPS Progress Report (CPSPR) of FY2012. The CPS was jointly implemented by IBRD and IFC, and this review covers the…

Romania - Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response Project under the Global Program for Avian Influenza (GPAI)

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Romania Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response Project under the Global Program for Avian Influenza (GPAI) Control. Prior…

Romania - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2006-FY2009 : IEG review

The Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) was presented to the Board in May 2006, shortly prior to Romania's scheduled European Union, or EU accession, and supported Romania's twin over-…

Romania - Rural Finance Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Rural Finance Project in Romania (RFP). The project was conceived as an initial phase of an adaptable program loan (APL), whose design benefited from the…

Romania - Second Roads Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Roads Two Project. The project had five development objectives: to improve traffic safety and the fitness of the vehicle fleet; to continue helping…

Romania - Telecommunications Reform and Privatization Support Project

The Romania Telecommunications Reform and Privatization Support Project was designed to support the reform of the country's telecommunications sector. The objectives of the project were (1) To assist Romania in…