
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7

Guatemala - Enhanced Fiscal and Financial Management for Greater Opportunities DPL Series

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) evaluates a series of two development policy loans (DPLs) to Guatemala: Fiscal Space for Greater Opportunities ($200 million, P131763), and Enhanced Fiscal and Financial…

Jamaica - Economic Stabilization and Foundations for GrowthDevelopment Policy Loan (DPL)

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) reviews the Economic Stabilization and Foundations for Growth Development Policy Loan (DPL), approved on December 12, 2013. The objectives of the operation were to…

North Macedonia - Regional and Local Roads Program Support Project

This PPAR assesses the development effectiveness of the Regional and Local Roads Program Support project in North Macedonia, which was approved in 2008. The original development objective of the project, “to reduce cost…

Rwanda - Fourth Poverty Reduction Strategy Grant, Fifth Poverty Reduction Support Grant, Sixth Poverty Reduction Support Grant, and Seventh Poverty Reduction Support Financing

This Project Performance Assessment Report evaluates a programmatic series of four development policy financing (DPF) operations approved for Rwanda over 2008–11. The series consisted of four single-tranche operations:…

Lao People’s Democratic Republic - trade development facility project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) assesses the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) Trade Development Facility project that was financed from a multi-donor trust fund. The project’s objectives were…

Georgia : first, second and third development policy operations

This Project Performance Assessment Review (PPAR) evaluates a programmatic series of three development policy operations (DPOs) for Georgia, including three credits and one loan, in the amount of $85 million for DPO-I…

Cambodia : trade facilitation and competitiveness

The FY05 Trade Facilitation and Competitiveness Project (P089196) was a US$10 million IDA grant to Cambodia. The objective of the project was to support the government’s strategy to promote economic growth by helping (i…