
Displaying 11 - 18 of 18

Bulgaria - Water Companies Restructuring and Modernization Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Water Companies Restructuring and Modernization Project, estimated (at appraisal) to cost US$131.0 million. The project was approved in May 1994 for an…

Bulgaria Country Assistance Evaluation

This evaluation provides an independent assessment of the role of World Bank assistance to the Republic of Bulgaria during 1991–2000. It covers activities that comprise 93 percent of total lending in this period. The…

Bulgaria - Country Assistance Evaluation (REACH)

· The Bulgarian economy deteriorated through early 1997 leading to a financial crisis as a result of which output was one third lower than at the beginning of the transition. Economic growth revived and poverty was…

Bulgaria - The Rehabilitation Loan Project, the Critical Imports Rehabilitation Loan (CIRL) Project, and the First and Second Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loan Projects (FESAL I and FESAL II)

This PPAR rates the outcome of the Rehabilitation Loan as unsatisfactory, but rates the outome of the CIRL and FESAL I as satisfactory. The outome of FESAL II is rated as moderately…

Bulgaria - Technical Assistance Project for Economic Reform

The audit rates the project outcome as satisfactory, sustainability as likely, and institutional development as substantial, concurring with the Implementation Completion Report's…

Bulgaria - Telecommunications Project

The project's overall outcome is rated as satisfactory, its sustainability as likely, and its institutional development impact as high. Although the Borrower's performance is rated…

Bulgaria - Agriculture Sector Adjustment Loan Project

This audit rates the overall outcome as satisfactory, which concurs with the rating of the ICR. The government of Bulgaria has made satisfactory progress in all five policy areas, and…

Bulgaria - Structural Adjustment Loan Project

The Agricultural Sector Management Project for Kenya was marginally satisfactory. The project achieved its basic objectives, institutional development was modest, sustainability is…