
Displaying 3801 - 3810 of 5577

Sri Lanka - Irrigation Projects

The Irrigation Projects for Sri Lanka were unsatisfactory due to an unforeseen fall in the world price of rice. Their institutional development impact was modest and sustainability is…

Romania - Agricultural Projects

The Irrigation Projects for Sri Lanka were unsatisfactory due to an unforeseen fall in the world price of rice. Their institutional development impact was modest and sustainability is…

Albania - Rural Poverty Alleviation Pilot Project

Rating for the Rural Poverty Alleviation Pilot Project for Albania was as follows: institutional performance was satisfactory. Some lessons learned included: a learning by doing…

Brazil - Second Urban Transport (Porto Alegre) Project

Rating for the Rural Poverty Alleviation Pilot Project for Albania was as follows: institutional performance was satisfactory. Some lessons learned included: a learning by doing…

1993 Annual Review of Evaluation Results

This twentieth annual review presents findings of operational assessments carried out in 1993. It examines project outcomes, the sustainability of benefits, and the extent to which operations addressed the Bank's…

India - First and Second Agricultural Extension Projects

Rating for the Rural Poverty Alleviation Pilot Project for Albania was as follows: institutional performance was satisfactory. Some lessons learned included: a learning by doing…

India - Tamil Nadu Integrated Nutrition Project

This study analyzes the project's impact, benefit, cost effectiveness, and sustainability, and traces the implications for the practicality of large-scale nutrition and health programs based on growth monitoring and…

Indonesia - Health Projects

Rating for the Rural Poverty Alleviation Pilot Project for Albania was as follows: institutional performance was satisfactory. Some lessons learned included: a learning by doing…

Gender Issues in World Bank Lending

This report examines the evolution of the World Bank's strategy for integrating gender issues in its lending across sectors and reviews the results achieved so far. It traces the history of Bank thought and actions on…

Community Development in Colombia
