
Displaying 1 - 10 of 45

Knowledge-Based Country Programs: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group Experience

This evaluation assesses knowledge-based activities in nine country programs (Bulgaria, Chile, China, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Russian Federation, South Africa and Thailand) selected from 48 knowledge-intensive…

Egypt - Positive Results from Knowledge Sharing and Modest Lending: An IEG Country Assistance Evaluation 1999-2007

This report reviews World Bank support to Egypt from fiscal year 1999 through 2007. It analyzes the objectives and content of the Bank's assistance program during this period, the outcomes in terms of economic and…

Egypt: Country Assistance Evaluation (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for Egypt Country Assistance Evaluation. IEG finds that in general there was progress on many of the objectives of World Bank assistance to Egypt, and the overall outcome of the Bank's…

Egypt Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This country assistance evaluation will evaluate the relevance of Bank objectives in the context of the development constraints facing Egypt at the time the CASs were prepared, and the realism of Bank assistance…

The Effectiveness of World Bank Support for Community-Based and -Driven Development: Egypt Country Study

This is a country case study on Egypt undertaken as an input to an Independent Evaluation Group study of the World Bank's support for community-based development (CBD) and community-driven development (CDD) efforts. The…

Egypt - Country Assistance Evaluation

The focus of this evaluation is on the period since 1990. Until 1990, lending was concentrated on investments in industry and finance, infrastructure, power, and agriculture. Starting in 1991, the Bank's strategy…

Rural Water Projects: Lessons from OED Evaluations


Shared Goals Essential for Success: Education Reform in Malaysia


La reforma educativa de Malasia: los objetivos compartidos son fundamentales para el éxito

A menos que el Banco y sus clientes estén en total acuerdo con respecto a las políticas que promueve un proyecto, se producirán tensiones y los resultados serán limitados. En el caso de dos proyectos de educación…

Malaysia - First and Second Primary Education Sector Projects

The Agricultural Sector Management Project for Kenya was marginally satisfactory. The project achieved its basic objectives, institutional development was modest, sustainability is…