
Displaying 1 - 10 of 58

Jamaica : Early Childhood Development Project

Ratings for the Early Childhood Development Project are as follows: Outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory, and Quality of monitoring…

Jamaica - Rural Economic Development Initiative

Ratings for the Rural Economic Development Initiative are as follows: Outcome was satisfactory, Overall efficacy was substantial, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and…

Jamaica: Hurricane Dean Emergency Recovery Loan (PPAR)

Jamaica is highly exposed to natural disasters. The negative impacts on economic development and social well-being are exacerbated as approximately 82 percent of Jamaica’s population lives within 5 kilometers of the…

Jamaica – Hurricane Dean Emergency Recovery Loan

Ratings for the Hurricane Dean Emergency Recovery Loan are as follows: Outcome was moderately satisfactory, Risk to development outcome was moderate, Bank performance was moderately…
Building ownership, consensus, and credibility during economic stabilization: Lessons from Jamaica

Building ownership, consensus, and credibility during economic stabilization: Lessons from Jamaica

This brief captures the lessons from evaluating a World Bank budget support program implemented in Jamaica—the Economic Stabilization and Foundations for Growth Development Policy Loan (DPL).

Jamaica - Economic Stabilization and Foundations for GrowthDevelopment Policy Loan (DPL)

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) reviews the Economic Stabilization and Foundations for Growth Development Policy Loan (DPL), approved on December 12, 2013. The objectives of the operation were to…

Poland - Public Finance, Resilience and Growth Development Policy Loans

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) evaluates four lending operations implemented in Poland from 2012 to 2016. The development objectives of the first series were to support Poland’s fiscal consolidation…

Jamaica - Inner City Basic Services for the Poor Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) prepared by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank Group on the Inner City Basic Services for the Poor Project in Jamaica. This project was…

Poland - Completion and learning review for the period FY14-FY17 : IEG review

Poland is a high-income country (HIC) with a GNI per capita of $12,680 in 2016. Poland’s annual economic growth accelerated to 3.3 percent during the CPS period (2014-2016) from 2.9 percent over the previous four years…

Jamaica - Country partnership strategy progress report for the period of FY 2010-2013 : IEG CPSCR review

This review examines the implementation of the FY2010-FY2013 Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and FY2010-FY2013 CPS Progress Report (CPSPR), and assesses the CPS Completion Report (CPSCR). The CPS was jointly…