
Displaying 2391 - 2400 of 5577

An Evaluation of World Bank Assistance to the Transition Economies

This evaluation examines the Bank's assistance to the transition economies of the Europe and Central Asia Region since 1989. It is largely a meta-evaluation of Bank products and services in the transition countries,…

China: Country Assistance Evaluation (in Chinese)

This Country Assistance Evaluation focuses on the period FY93-02. The World Bank's assistance strategy had four main objectives during this period: (i) promoting market-oriented system reform and better macroeconomic…

China: Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation focuses on the period FY93-02. The World Bank's assistance strategy had four main objectives during this period: (i) promoting market-oriented system reform and better macroeconomic…

OED Review of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Process (Reach)

This brief is based on "The Poverty Reduction Stategy Initiative: An Independent Evaluation of the World Bank's Support Through 2003", which assesses progress towards improving planning, implementation, and monitoring…

The Poverty Reduction Strategy Initiative: An Independent Evaluation of the World Bank's Support Through 2003

This evaluation builds upon OED's earlier work to assess how well the PRS Initiative has helped thus far in putting the CDF principles into action, how relevant it is to countries' quest for sustainable poverty…

L'initiative de la stratégie de réduction de la pauvretéUne évaluation indépendante du soutien de la Banque mondiale au cours de l'année 2003

L'initiative de la Stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté (SRP) est un effort majeur consenti par la Banque mondiale et le FMI pour que l'aide au développement soit dispensée de manière plus efficace en…

Mainstreaming Anti-Corruption Activities in World Bank Assistance: A Review of Progress Since 1997

This evaluation examines the early progress made in implementing the World Bank's anti-corruption strategy that was launched in September 1997. It assesses the Bank's anti-corruption activities between FY98 and FY01.

Tunisia: Country Assistance Evaluation (in Arabic)

This evaluation recommends that the Bank should continue to support improving the environment for private sector development and enhancing competitiveness as the country seeks to integrate more into the global economy…

Tunisia: Country Assistance Evaluation

This evaluation recommends that the Bank should continue to support improving the environment for private sector development and enhancing competitiveness as the country seeks to integrate more into the global economy…

Mainstreaming Anti-Corruption Activities in World Bank Assistance: A Review of Progress Since 1997 (Reach)

This evaluation examines the early progress made in implementing the World Bank's anti-corruption strategy that was launched in September 1997. It assesses the Bank's anti-corruption activities between FY98 and FY01.