
Displaying 1 - 10 of 466

Nepal Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) will assess the performance of the World Bank Group’s support to Nepal in achieving its development objectives between 2014 and 2023. The evaluation will focus on the Bank Group’s…

Georgia Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The Country Program Evaluation (CPE) will assess the performance of the World Bank Group’s support of Georgia in achieving its development objectives. It will evaluate how the Bank Group program has adapted over time to…

Albania : Competitiveness Development Policy Lending Project

The Albania Competitiveness Development Policy Loan (DPL) was financed by an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan in the amount of $77.72 million and approved by…

Kyrgyz Republic - The First and Second Development Policy Operations and Programmatic Governance and Competitiveness Development Policy Operation

The World Bank approved two programmatic series of development policy operations (DPOs) from 2013 through 2016 to improve governance and private sector development in the Kyrgyz…

Montenegro - Institutional Development and Agriculture Strengthening Project (MIDAS)

Ratings for the Institutional Development and Agricultural Strengthening Project (MIAS) are as follows: Outcome was satisfactory, Overall efficacy was substantial, Bank performance…

Kyrgyz Republic Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The Country Program Evaluation (CPE) for the Kyrgyz Republic seeks to assess the World Bank Group’s efforts to help the Kyrgyz Republic address its main development challenges. The evaluation will cover fiscal years (FY…

Azerbaijan – ARP II Integrated Solid Waste Management Project

Ratings for the Absheron Rehabilitation Program II Integrated Solid Waste Management Project are as follows: Outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and Quality…

Tajikistan: Energy Loss Reduction Project (PPAR)

This project was approved on June 30, 2005, for a cost of $30.0 million, including an International Development Association credit of $17.9 million. The project cost increased to $48 million after restructuring and…

Tajikistan - Energy Loss Reduction Project

Ratings for the Energy Loss Reduction Project are as follows: Outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Risk to development outcome was high, Bank performance was unsatisfactory, and…

Croatia - Revenue Administration Modernization Project

Ratings for the Revenue Administration Modernization Project are as follows: Outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Risk to development outcome was negligible, Bank performance was…