
Displaying 1 - 10 of 12

Generating Income for Afghan Refugees in Pakistan


La generación de ingresos para los refugiados afganos en Pakistán

De acuerdo con un reciente estudio de evaluación del DEO*, tres proyectos destinados a crear empleo para los refugiados afganos en Pakistán dieron extraordinarios resultados y beneficiaron tanto a los refugiados…

Irrigation Investment in Pakistan


Inversiones para el riego en Pakistán

El sistema de riego de la cuenca del Indo, en Pakistán, es la red de riego integrada más grande del mundo. Cubre 16 millones de hectáreas y da vida a la agricultura, que proporciona empleo a más de la mitad…

Pakistan - On-Farm and Command Water Management and Irrigation Systems Rehabilitation Projects

This report evaluates institutional and socioeconomic impacts and draws lessons for future policy on irrigation investment and maintenance of facilities. Farm water supply and watercourse renovation, groundwater…

Pakistan: First, Second and Third Income Generating Projects for Refeugee Areas

This report evaluates the impacts of the three Income-Generating Projects for Refugee Areas, which were implemented to assist Afghan refugees in North West Frontier Province, Balochistan Province, and Punjab Province in…

Pakistan - Karachi Water Supply and Special Development Projects

The Karachi Water Supply and Special Development Projects for Pakistan were rated satisfactory and unsatisfactory, respectively. The Karachi Water Supply Project largely achieved its…

Pakistan - Integrated Hill Farming Development Project

The Integrated Hill Farming Development Project for Pakistan was satisfactory. The project achieved its physical targets, its impact on institutional development was modest,…

The Seed Industry in South Asia


Aga Khan Rural Support Program: Looking to the Future
