
Displaying 1 - 10 of 18

Renforcer la gestion de la biodiversité grâce à la participation de tous les acteurs concernés

Selon l'Institut mondial des ressources naturelles, au rythme actuel de la déforestation et du défrichage des terres, 5 à 10 % de la biodiversité des forêts disparaîtront au cours des trois prochaines…

Fortalecimiento de la gestión de la biodiversidad basado en la participación

Según el Instituto de Recursos Mundiales, si se mantienen las actuales tasas de deforestación y desmonte de tierras, entre el 5% y el 10% de la biodiversidad de los bosques tropicales desaparecerá en los tres…

Building Biodiversity Governance Through Stakeholder Participation

According to the World Resources Institute, at current rates of deforestation and land clearance, 5 to 10 percent of tropical forest biodiversity will vanish over the next three decades. There are many pressures on…

The Next Ascent: An Evaluation of the Aga Khan Rural Support Program, Pakistan

This is the fourth independent evaluation by the World Bank's Operations Evaluation Department of the Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) in northern Pakistan. Requested and funded by the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)…

La próxima escalada: Una evaluación del Programa Aga Khan de apoyo al sector rural

Desde muchos puntos de vista el Programa Aga Khan de apoyo al sector rural (AKRSP por su sigla en inglés) es un programa de desarrollo rural administrado por una ONG con enorme éxito. Beneficia a unas 900.000 personas…

Le programme Aga Khan d'aide en régions rurales: la prochaine étape

Le Programme Aga Khan d'aide en régions rurales (AKRSP) donne, à bien des égards, d'excellents résultats. Placé sous la direction d'une ONG, ce programme de développement rural touche environ 900 000…

The Next Ascent: An Evaluation of the Aga Khan Rural Support Program

By many measures the Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) is a highly successful NGO-run rural development program. It reaches some 900,000 people in about 1,100 villages in the Northern Areas and Chitral District of…

India - Andhra Pradesh Forestry Project

The audit concurs with the ratings of the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) of highly satisfactory outcomes, high institutional development, and likely sustainability. Likewise, the Borrower performance is rated…

The Challenges of Community Participation in Forest Development in Nepal

This thematic overview draws on a survey of the literature, and extensive discussions with donors, civil society, and other stakeholders. The report also draws on a recent Joint Technical Review of the Community…

Bridging Troubled Waters: Assessing the Water Resources Strategy Since 1993

The comprehensive approach advocated in the 1993 water strategy is highly relevant to the sound and sustainable management of water resources. And implementing the strategy has advanced the Bank's corporate goals and…