
Displaying 81 - 90 of 186

Clustered Country Program Evaluation For Resource Rich Developing Countries: Cases of Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Zambia

IEG's first Cluster Country Program Evaluation (CCPE) will focus on Resource Rich Developing Countries (RRDCs) in Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Zambia. The topic of extraction, management, and use of natural…

Evaluation of the World Bank Group's Support for Electricity Access

IEG is conducting an evaluation of World Bank Group (WBG) effectiveness in support of client countries' efforts to improve access to electricity that is adequate, affordable, and meets quality and reliability standards…

Croatia - Energy Efficiency Project; Renewable Energy Resources Project; and District Heating Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report evaluates three projects covering the 2003-2010 assistance of the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to Croatia's energy sector. The projects addressed the…

Private Sector Development In the Electric Power Sector - A Joint OED/OEG/OEU Review of the World Bank Group's Assistance in the 1990s

This study evaluates the performance of the World Bank Group (WBG) during the 1990s in promoting private sector development in the electric power sector (PSDE). This joint review by the WBG's three evaluation units aims…

Lessons from Recent Evaluations: Water, Transport and Energy

This issue of the knowledge note series, Lessons from Evaluations of World Bank Group Support to Water, Transport and Energy, highlights major studies and project assessments in water, transportation, and energy carried…

Performance assessment review of investment climate assessment in five transforming economies : Bangladesh, Egypt, Guatemala, Kenya, and Vietnam

This Performance Assessment Review (PAR) focuses on Investment Climate Assessments (ICAs) of five transforming economies: Bangladesh, Egypt, Guatemala, Kenya and Vietnam. A number of findings from this assessment…

Climate Change and The World Bank Group: The Challenge of Low Carbon Development (FTB)

This is the Fast Track Brief for the Climate Change and the World Bank Group: The Challenge of Low Carbon Development. This evaluation reviews a broad range of WBG activity in the adoption and diffusion of emissions-…

China - Energy Conservation Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) assesses the China Energy Conservation Project. The Energy Conservation Project was selected for a PPAR because it is one of the earliest energy conservation projects…

China - Renewable Energy Development Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) on the China Renewable Energy Development Project. The project development objective was to establish sustainable markets for wind and photovoltaic energy…

India - Rajasthan Power Sector Restructuring Project

This performance assessment report evaluates the Rajasthan Power Sector Restructuring project. The project was intended to support the restructuring and reform of the power sector in Rajasthan, India. In 1999, the…