
Displaying 1 - 10 of 119
Data dashboards in poverty, education, infrastructure, agriculture, energy, jobs, and SDGs

What can we learn from the Independent Evaluation Group’s project ratings and lessons?

This blog offers three scenarios for how data generated by the Independent Evaluation Group might be used to understand the performance of projects in a specific sector, the factors contributing to a set of highly rated…
Dashboard with data on education poverty and infrastructure

Harnessing data for better development: The Independent Evaluation Group dashboards

The IEG Data Page is a hub for three dashboards that can lead to insights from data generated by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG): the World Bank (WB) Project Ratings Dashboard, WB Project Lessons Dashboard, and…

Guidance Manual for Independent Evaluation Group Validators: Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews for Investment Project Financing

The Implementation Completion and Results Report (ICR) is one of the World Bank’s main instruments for self-evaluation. This manual provides comprehensive guidance and practice examples to evaluators for the preparation…

Illustrative Examples for Independent Evaluation Group Validators : Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews for Investment Project Financing (Reference Annex)

The Reference Annex titled "Illustrative Examples for Independent Evaluation Group Validators: Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews for Investment Project Financing" serves as a supplementary guide for…
New Delhi/India - Jan 24 2020 , yulu electric bike non polluted vehicle , rider at Vijay chowk. Photo: PradeepGaurs/ShutterStock

Towards greener travel for the holidays and beyond

The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) recently published an Evaluation Insight Note (EIN) exploring the key challenges and opportunities in the World Bank’s support for decarbonizing transport. The EIN is a new product…
The tramway service between Rabat and Salé. Photo: Arne Hoel/World Bank

Evaluation Insight Note: Transport Decarbonization

Evaluation Insight Notes (EIN) offer new insights from existing evidence on important strategic and operational issues. This first EIN identifies patterns in the World Bank’s transport decarbonization work and finds…

Evaluation of World Bank Group Support to Creating an Enabling Environment for Private Sector Participation in Climate Action, Fiscal Years 2013–22 (Approach Paper)

The objective of the evaluation is to derive lessons from Bank Group experience in improving the enabling environment for private sector participation in climate action. The evaluation will assess the relevance and…

Georgia: Secondary and Local Roads Project and Kakheti Regional Roads Improvement Project (PPAR)

Trade is important for Georgia’s economy, and good transport links are essential to promote and sustain it. Roads are the main mode of transport in the country. Therefore, upgrading and managing roads adequately is…

Myanmar – Completion and Learning Report : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), FY15-FY17, and updated in the Performance and Learning Review (PLR) dated…

Mexico - Completion and Learning Review : IEG Review

This review of Mexico’s Completion and Learning Review (CLR) of the World Bank Group’s Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) covers the CPS period FY14-FY19 and the Performance and Learning Review (PLR) of January 26, 2017…