
Displaying 1 - 10 of 28

Zimbabwe Assistance Evaluation (Reach)

Government policies in the 1980s brought social progress, but at the cost of unsustainable fiscal deficits and low growth. Land distribution remained highly unequal. In the 1990s, efforts to accelerate growth through…

Zimbabwe: Country Assistance Evaluation

The Zimbabwe experience provides four lessons. First, given the necessity of macroeconomic stability, especially achieving fiscal sustainability, the Bank should have undertaken a PER prior to 1995, should have been…

Zimbabwe - Second Structural Adjustment Credit Project

This Project Prformance Assessment Report (PPAR) downgrades the Evaluation Summary outcome rating, from marginally satisfactory to highly unsatisfactory, institutional development from modest to negligible,…

Zimbabwe - Urban Sector and Regional Development Project and Rural District Council Pilot Capital Development Project

The Urban Sector and Regional Development Project's overall outcome is rated as moderately satisfactory, sustainability as likely, institutional development impact as modest, Bank…

Zimbabwe - Sexually Transmitted Infections Prevention and Care Project

Project outcome is rated moderately satisfactory, based on the achievement of the project's explicit objectives. Sustainability is unlikely: drug availability has fallen since the end…

Development Effectiveness in Health, Nutrition, and Population: Lessons from World Bank Experience


Le défi de la santé publique au Zimbabwe

La Banque mondiale fait généralement « ce qu'il faut » dans le secteur de la santé du Zimbabwe, mais elle ne le fait pas toujours « comme il faudrait », révèle une nouvelle étude du Dé…

Respuesta al desafío de la atención de salud en Zimbabwe

En general, el Banco Mundial ha "hecho lo que debía" en el sector de salud de Zimbabwe, pero no siempre ha conseguido "arreglar la situación", según un estudio reciente del Departamento de Evaluación de…

Meeting the Health Care Challenges in Zimbabwe

The world Bank has usually "done the right thing" in the Zimbabwe health sector, but has not always "done things right," according to a recent Operations Evaluation Department (OED) study. Bank policy advice and…

The Impact of World Bank support to the HNP sector in Zimbabwe

This study evaluates Bank performance in supporting projects to expand health services and fund pharmaceutical purchases, and the influence of Bank policy dialogue and sector work, both at the macroeconomic and sectoral…