
Displaying 1 - 10 of 102

Mauritania - Completion and learning review for the period FY14-FY16 : IEG review

This completion and learning review (CLR) covers the period FY 14-16. The country partnership strategy (CPS) consisted of two pillars (or focus areas): (1) Growth and diversification; and (2) economic governance and…

Tunisia - Completion and learning review for the period FY10-14 : IEG review

Tunisia had by 2010 been transitioning gradually and successfully from a natural resourcedependent economy to a more market-based, diversified and internationally integrated model. The incidence of poverty dropped…

Tunisia Country Program Evaluation, FY05–13

From FY05 to FY13, the World Bank Group program in Tunisia aimed to support government in: (i) strengthening the business environment, improving competitiveness, and increasing the global integration of the Tunisian…

Tunisia Country Program Evaluation, FY05–13 Volume I: Main Report

From FY05 to FY13, the World Bank Group program in Tunisia aimed to support government in: (i) strengthening the business environment, improving competitiveness, and increasing the global integration of the Tunisian…

Tunisia Country Program Evaluation FY2005-13 Volume II: Appendixes

Appendixes for the Tunisia Country Program Evaluation FY 2005-13.

Tunisia Country Program Evaluation FY2005 to FY2013

From FY2005 to FY2013, the World Bank Group program in Tunisia aimed to support government in: (i) strengthening the business environment, improving competitiveness, and increasing the global integration of the Tunisian…

Tunisia - Natural Resources Management Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) assesses the development effectiveness of the Tunisia Natural Resources Management Project (1997-2004) and the Northwest Mountains and Forest Areas Project (2002-2009).…

Mauritania - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2007-FY2012 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the FY2008 to FY2011 Mauritania Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) of FY2007, and assesses the CAS Completion Report (CASCR). The CAS was implemented by International…

Tunisia - Agriculture Support Services Project

This report assesses the development effectiveness of the Tunisia Agricultural Support Services Project implemented between 2001-2008. At the time the project was prepared, Tunisia's agricultural sector was shifting to…

Tunisia: World Bank Group Country Evaluation 2005- 2012 (Approach Paper)

This is an Approach Paper for the Country Program Evaluation (CPE) for Tunisia that will assess the outcome of the World Bank Group's development assistance to Tunisia over Fiscal Years (FY) 2005-2012. The evaluation…