
Displaying 1 - 10 of 446
Data dashboards in poverty, education, infrastructure, agriculture, energy, jobs, and SDGs

What can we learn from the Independent Evaluation Group’s project ratings and lessons?

This blog offers three scenarios for how data generated by the Independent Evaluation Group might be used to understand the performance of projects in a specific sector, the factors contributing to a set of highly rated…
Dashboard with data on education poverty and infrastructure

Harnessing data for better development: The Independent Evaluation Group dashboards

The IEG Data Page is a hub for three dashboards that can lead to insights from data generated by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG): the World Bank (WB) Project Ratings Dashboard, WB Project Lessons Dashboard, and…

Guidance Manual for Independent Evaluation Group Validators: Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews for Investment Project Financing

The Implementation Completion and Results Report (ICR) is one of the World Bank’s main instruments for self-evaluation. This manual provides comprehensive guidance and practice examples to evaluators for the preparation…

Illustrative Examples for Independent Evaluation Group Validators : Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews for Investment Project Financing (Reference Annex)

The Reference Annex titled "Illustrative Examples for Independent Evaluation Group Validators: Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews for Investment Project Financing" serves as a supplementary guide for…
Driving prosperity through financial inclusion

🎧 Driving prosperity through financial inclusion

Listen on: Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. The use of financial services has enormous potential for poverty reduction and boosting shared prosperity. Improving financial inclusion is linked to at least 9 United…
Geometric maze colorful, seamless pattern brush

How can the World Bank help address institutional capacity development needs in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Institutions shape how countries foster poverty reduction, support sustainable growth, and respond during crises. A recent Evaluation Insight Note reviews existing evidence to understand how the World Bank can help…
An african lady using a point of sale device

Can the World Bank Shed More Light on the Outcomes of Its Support for Financial Inclusion?

Better data on who is using and benefitting from financial services could improve understanding of which financial inclusion interventions deliver the greatest benefit to the poor.
blueprint, development, infrastructure

Evaluation Insight Note: Elements That Enhance Institutional Capacity Development in World Bank Projects and Country Partnerships in Sub-Saharan Africa

Evaluation Insight Notes (EIN) offer new insights from existing evidence on important strategic and operational issues. This EIN draws on Independent Evaluation Group evidence to identify lessons for addressing…
Additionality in the private sector and the experience of the International Finance Corporation

🎧 Additionality in the private sector and the experience of the International Finance Corporation

Additionality is the unique value that Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) offer to private companies in low- and middle-income countries without crowding out private investments. For DFIs, such as the International…

Culturally responsive evaluation: How do different regions approach it?

The event is part of the celebrations around IEG@50 and will also announce an essay competition for Young & Emerging Evaluators (YEE).