
Displaying 1 - 10 of 310

North Macedonia - Regional and Local Roads Program Support Project

This PPAR assesses the development effectiveness of the Regional and Local Roads Program Support project in North Macedonia, which was approved in 2008. The original development objective of the project, “to reduce cost…

Ethiopia - Urban Local Government Development Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report for the Urban Local Government Development Project (ULGDP) in Ethiopia, which was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on May 29, 2008, and closed…

World Bank Group Support for the Reform of State-Owned Enterprises, 2007-2018: An IEG Evaluation (Approach Paper)

State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) play a critical role in many developing and emerging economies. Governments use SOEs to pursue economic, social and political objectives. These can include such objectives as promoting…

Bolivia - Rural Alliances Project

Around the turn of the millennium, based on lessons learned from projects in Bolivia and elsewhere, the World Bank began tinkering with the model of decentralized, community-driven development, trying to make it a more…

The Philippines Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) aims to assess the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group (WBG) program in the Philippines between FY10‐18. It will assess the WBG’s contributions to the country’s…

Rwanda - Urban Infrastructure and City Management Project (UICMP)

This Project Performance Assessment Report reviews the Rwanda Urban Infrastructure and City Management Project (UICMP). The project was approved on November 10, 2005 and became effective on June 2, 2006. The project’s…

Albania - Secondary and Local Roads Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) assesses the development effectiveness of the Secondary and Local Roads Project in Albania approved in 2008. The project development objective was to improve access to…

Peru – Sierra Rural Development Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Peru Sierra Rural Development Project (P079165). The assessment will contribute to learning from projects that seek to increase the integration of small-…

Albania Country Program Evaluation

The primary goal of the evaluation is to assess the Bank Group’s development effectiveness in Albania during the period FY11-19 and to inform the design and implementation of its future activities in Albania. The…
Helping the urban poor obtain improved housing and better basic and social support service

Helping the urban poor obtain improved housing and better basic and social support services: Lessons from Bahia, Brazil

This brief captures the lessons from evaluating a World Bank project implemented in two cities, Salvador and Feira de Santana, in the state of Bahia, Brazil.