
Displaying 1 - 10 of 23

Afghanistan - First, Second, and Third Programmatic Support for Institution Building Project and Strengthening Institutions Development Policy Grant Project

Ratings for the First, Second, and Third Programmatic Support for Institution Building Project for Afghanistan were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, risk to development outcome…

Afghanistan: A Synthesis Paper of Lessons from Ten Years of Aid

Afghanistan has received a large amount of aid from the international community since the fall of the Taliban and the installation of the Karzai government in 2002. Donors pledged an estimated $90 billion of total…
Kabul city buildings, Afghanistan capital. Shutterstock/By Farin Sadiq

Afghanistan Country Program Evaluation, 2002–11: Evaluation of the World Bank Group Program

Despite extremely difficult security conditions, which deteriorated markedly after 2006, the World Bank Group has commendably established and sustained a large program of support to the country.

Evaluation of the World Bank Group's Assistance to Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, 2002-2011 (Approach Paper)

This is an Approach Paper for the Country Program Evaluation (CPE) to assess the World Bank Group‘s development assistance to Afghanistan covering the ten-year period between 2002-2011 since the Bank‘s re-engagement…

Trinidad-Tobago - Water Sector Institutional Strengthening Project

The overall disappointing performance reflects mainly over-ambitious objectives for such a short implementation period and a government change at the outset which exposed incomplete commitment to the project strategy…

Trinidad and Tobago - Environmental Management Project

The loan of US$6.25 million for the Trinidad and Tobago Environmental Management Project (Loan 3863-TR) was approved in 1995. It closed in December 2000 after a one-year extension and an undisbursed balance of US$0.78…

La próxima escalada: Una evaluación del Programa Aga Khan de apoyo al sector rural

Desde muchos puntos de vista el Programa Aga Khan de apoyo al sector rural (AKRSP por su sigla en inglés) es un programa de desarrollo rural administrado por una ONG con enorme éxito. Beneficia a unas 900.000 personas…

Le programme Aga Khan d'aide en régions rurales: la prochaine étape

Le Programme Aga Khan d'aide en régions rurales (AKRSP) donne, à bien des égards, d'excellents résultats. Placé sous la direction d'une ONG, ce programme de développement rural touche environ 900 000…

The Next Ascent: An Evaluation of the Aga Khan Rural Support Program

By many measures the Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) is a highly successful NGO-run rural development program. It reaches some 900,000 people in about 1,100 villages in the Northern Areas and Chitral District of…

Trinidad and Tobago - Youth Training and Employment Partnership Project (YTEPP)

This audit report rates the outcome of the Youth Training and Employment Partnership Project (YTEPP) as satisfactory. The project did achieve a sound level of technical sustainability…