
Displaying 1 - 10 of 44
Foreman controls the recycle waste separation of recyclable waste plants. Waste plastic bottles and other types of plastic waste.

Can the Private Sector Accelerate the Shift to a Circular Economy?

How can the World Bank Group effectively address constraints to foster the power of the private sector in municipal solid waste management? Evidence from groundbreaking projects shows that collaboration and continuity…

Serbia - Completion and Learning Review of the Country Partnership Framework for Period FY16-FY20 : IEG Review


Chile - Completion and Learning Review for the Country Partnership Framework for FY11-FY16 : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the FY11-FY16 Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and its adjustments through the FY15…

Serbia - Consolidated Collection and Pension Administration Reform, and Delivery of Improved Local Services Projects

Following the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia and a series of regional wars, the Federation of the Republics of Serbia and Montenegro rejoined the World Bank in 2001. Serbia experienced solid growth during 2000–…

Serbia - Private and Financial Sector Policy Based Guarantee Project

This PPAR is the first in a series of four currently under way to assess the early performance of Policy-Based Guarantees (PBGs). The other three operations in the series include two in the Former Yugoslav Republic of…

Serbia - Country partnership strategy completion and learning review for the period FY2012-15 : IEG review

By the start of the CPS period, in late 2011, Serbia had lost some of the gains in economic stability and poverty reduction which it had achieved in the period 2000-2008. Poverty increased since 2009, especially in…

Monitoring and Evaluation System: The Case of Chile 1990–2014

From its creation in the 1990s, the Chilean monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system has represented a substantial part of the effort to improve the use of Chile's public resources within a broader context of…

Knowledge-Based Country Programs: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group Experience

This evaluation assesses knowledge-based activities in nine country programs (Bulgaria, Chile, China, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Russian Federation, South Africa and Thailand) selected from 48 knowledge-intensive…

Serbia - Country partnership strategy for the period FY08 - FY11 : IEG CPSCR review

This review examines the implementation of the FY08 Serbia Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and the FY10 CPS Progress Report (CPSPR), and evaluates the CPS Completion Report (CPSCR…

Chile - Country partnership strategy completion report (CPSCR) review for the period FY2007-10 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the country partnership strategy (CPS) that was discussed by the Board on April 24, 2007 and covered the period July 1, 2006 through June 30…