
Displaying 71 - 80 of 484

India - Environmental Management Capacity Building Technical Assistance Project

Ratings for the Environmental Management Capacity Building (EMCB) Technical Assistance Project for India were as follows: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory; risk to the development outcome was significant; Bank…

Nepal - Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project

The ratings for the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project for Nepal are as follows: outcome was satisfactory; risk to the development outcome was significant; Bank performance was satisfactory; and Borrower…

An Impact Evaluation of India's Second and Third Andhra Pradesh Irrigation Projects - A Case of Poverty Reduction with Low Economic Returns

The widespread expansion of irrigated farming has largely removed the threat of malnutrition and premature death for millions around the world and has had demonstrated poverty-reduction effects. Nonetheless, large…

Sri Lanka - Country assistance strategy FY03-FY07 : IEG review

The FY03-06 Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) was developed at a time of great optimism. After nearly two decades of civil conflict, a cease-fire between the Liberation Tigers of…

Maldives - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2000-07 : IEG review

This country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review evaluates the Bank's contribution to the development of the Maldives between 2000 and 2006, focusing on the CAS 2000…

Nepal - Multimodal Transit Project

The Nepal Multimodal Transit Project had the following ratings: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory; risk to development outcome was significant; Bank performance was moderately satisfactory; and borrower performance…

India - First District Primary Education, Second District Primary Education, Uttar Pradesh Basic Education, Second Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Projects

Outcomes ratings for the projects are based on their efficacy, relevance and efficiency. The two projects in each pair had the same ratings. Outcomes ratings for both UPBEP and DPEP projects are moderately satisfactory…

India - Ecodevelopment Project

The overall aim of the India Ecodevelopment Project, approved in 1996, was to conserve biological diversity in seven globally significant protected areas (PAs) by implementing an ecodevelopment strategy (prepared by the…

India - First and Second Tamil Nadu Urban Development Projects

The Tamil Nadu Urban Development Project (TNUDF) had the following ratings: outcome was moderately satisfactory; institutional development impact was modest; risk to development outcome was significant; Bank performance…

Bangladesh - Dhaka Urban Transport Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) prepared by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) for the Dhaka Urban Transport Project (Credit 3163-BD). The IDA credit to the Government of Bangladesh was…