
Displaying 11 - 20 of 37

Chile Country Assistance Evaluation

This report finds that the outcome of the Bank's program has been highly satisfactory. Bank assistance supported substantial institutional development, and time has shown that the achievements reached have a high…

Chile - Country Assistance Evaluation (REACH)

Over the fifteen-year period under review Chile's economy has been one of the fastest growing in the world, and its social indicators have improved markedly. The Bank played a key supportive role to the reforms, and its…

El modelo de educación para niños pobres aplicado en Chile

Las escuelas de Chile se beneficiaron de los buenos resultados económicos del país (el ingreso per cápita fue de US$4.820 en 1997), de la enseñanza primaria universal, de la estabilidad política y de los…

Les enfants pauvres et l'école : le modèle chilien

L'essor économique du Chili (le revenu était de 4 820 dollars par habitant en 1997), l'éducation primaire universelle, la stabilité politique, et la rareté des catastrophes naturelles et autres sinistres…

Chile's Model for Educating Poor Children

Chilean schools benefited from the country's economic success (1997 per capita income, US$4,820), universal primary edu-cation, political stability, and few natural and other physical disasters. Chile's municipalities…

Chile - Primary Education Improvement Project

The project attained most of its targets and in many instances exceeded them. Though it did not profoundly change the operation of the Ministry of Education, it helped significantly…

Chile - Small Farmer Services Project

The audit rates the outcome of the project as unsatisfactory, which concur with the Implementation Completion Report rating, and, likewise on its sustainability. The institutional…

Chile - Pehuenche Hydroelectric and Alto Jahuel - Polpaico Transmission Projects

This is the Performance Audit Report (PAR) of the Himalayan Watershed Management Project in India. The overall rating of this project is satisfactory, and the performance of both the…

Financial Restructuring in Chile


La reestructuración financiera de Chile

A comienzos del decenio de 1980, el sistema financiero de Chile estaba prácticamente en bancarrota y el país atravesaba su peor crisis económica desde los años treinta. Diez años más tarde, no sólo la economía…