
Displaying 51 - 56 of 56

Costa Rica - Export Development Loan Project

The Monrovia Urban Development Project in Liberia was implemented. The project as a whole cannot be considered a success because the physical achievements of this project failed to…

Indonesia - Fifth Highway Project

The Monrovia Urban Development Project in Liberia was implemented. The project as a whole cannot be considered a success because the physical achievements of this project failed to…

Tanzania - Investment Bank Projects

The Monrovia Urban Development Project in Liberia was implemented. The project as a whole cannot be considered a success because the physical achievements of this project failed to…

Pakistan - Third Highway Project

The Third Highway Project in Pakistan was completed. Project implementation was troubled. Road rehabilitation suffered substantial delays, cost-overruns and large problems arising…

China - North China Plain Agriculture Project

The Third Highway Project in Pakistan was completed. Project implementation was troubled. Road rehabilitation suffered substantial delays, cost-overruns and large problems arising…

Brazil - Sao Paulo Industrial Pollution Control Project

The Third Highway Project in Pakistan was completed. Project implementation was troubled. Road rehabilitation suffered substantial delays, cost-overruns and large problems arising…