
Displaying 1 - 10 of 15

Cluster Country Program Evaluation: Mauritius Country Case Study (FY07–15), Enhancing Competitiveness and Private Sector Development

After nearly two decades of strong economic growth, in 2005 the economy was in difficulties. The loss of trade preferences in textiles in 2005, the anticipation of prospective reform to the European Union’s sugar…

Clustered Country Program Evaluation for Small States (Approach Paper)

This evaluation relates closely to the Independent Evaluation Group's two objectives. First, it will seek to deepen evidence about the results of World Bank Group programs and activities—including financing operations…

Mauritius - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2002-2006 : IEG review

The Bank aimed to support the Mauritius Government's 2001 economic agenda for the new millennium through the FY2002-04 country assistance strategy (CAS). The CAS had proposed,…

Mauritius - Port Development and Environmental Protection Project

The outcome of the project is rated highly satisfactory; all four objectives were achieved in full and well within budget. Port productivity improved substantially and the cargo volume handled grew dramatically. This…

Mauritius - Sugar Energy Development Project

Overall, the outcome of the project is rated as satisfactory, institutional development was substantial, and sustainability is likely. However, the Bank, and Borrower performances…

Mauritius - Industrial Sector Adjustment Project

The Agricultural Projects for Nepal were unsatisfactory for the Hill Food Production and Cash Crop Development Projects while the Agricultural Extension and Research Project was…

Mauritius - Second Education Project

The Forestry Project for the Ivory Coast was satisfactory. The project achieved many of its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been significant, sustainability is…

Mauritius - Technical Assistance and First and Second Adjustment Loan Projects

Ratings for the Structural Adjustment Loan (SAL) Project of Yugoslavia are as follows: outcome was satisfactory; risk to the development outcome was moderate; Bank performance was…

Mauritius - Second Development Bank of Mauritius Project

The Fauji Fertilizer Project in Pakistan was achieved. Bank support to the company through regular, issue-oriented and constructive supervision, and the Bank's willingness to serve as…

Mauritius - Education Project
