
Displaying 1 - 10 of 48

China - Shanghai Sewerage Project and Liaoning Urban Infrastructure Project

This audit report rated the outcome of both the Shanghai Sewerage Project and the Liaoning Project as satisfactory. Both projects demonstrate the importance of a good match between…

India - Gujarat Rural and States' Roads Projects

The audit concurs with the ICR in rating outcome of the Rural Roads Project as satisfactory and of States Roads Project as unsatisfactory, and in rating institutional development…

Indonesia - Central and West Java Provincial Irrigation Development Project and Second Irrigation Subsector Project

The audit covers both the Central and West Java Provincial Irrigation Development (CWJIP) and the Second Irrigation Sub-Sector (ISSP-II) projects. Both projects are assessed as…

China - Beilungang Thermal Power Project, Wujing Thermal Power Project, and Beilungang Thermal Power Extension Project

This audit report covers the Beilungang Thermal Power Project, Wujing Thermal Power Project, and Beilungang Thermal Power Extension Project. The audit rates the outcomes of all three…

India - Gas Flaring Reduction Project

Overall, the audit rates the outcome of the project as satisfactory. The ICR's highly positive rating, is not consistent with the limited impact of the project on institutional and…

Jordan - Human Resources Development Sector Investment Loan and Seventh Education Projects

This audit report rates the outcome of the projects as satisfactory, given the many successful achievements in complex areas, even though the full impact cannot be assessed until the…

India - Private Power Utilities (BSES) Product

The project's overall outcome rating was downgraded to marginally satisfactory because of the negative environmental impact on the surrounding wetlands, which was not identified at…

China - Third and Fourth Rural Credit Projects

This combined audit assesses two operations somehow differently, for while it concurs with the previous rating of the Third Rural Credit Project (RCIII) as satisfactory, it argues…

Ghana - Fifth Power Project

The project outcome is rated as marginally unsatisfactory. The audit assesses the institutional development impact of the project to have been modest and its sustainability to be…

Ethiopia - Small-Scale Irrigation and Soil Conservation Project

The outcome of the project was satisfactory, in controversy to this report's specification, that the project should not have been approved, given the socio-economic conditions at the…