
Displaying 5191 - 5200 of 5578

Sénégal - Projet de Colonisation de la Région des Terres Neuves

The Terres Neuves Resettlement Project provided funds for the resettlement of about 300 families from the Groundnut Basin to unexploited land in Eastern Senegal. Other objectives of…

Mexico - First and Second Industrial Equipment Fund (FONEI) Projects

The Terres Neuves Resettlement Project provided funds for the resettlement of about 300 families from the Groundnut Basin to unexploited land in Eastern Senegal. Other objectives of…

Mexico - Fourth Road Project

The Terres Neuves Resettlement Project provided funds for the resettlement of about 300 families from the Groundnut Basin to unexploited land in Eastern Senegal. Other objectives of…

Chile - Agricultural Rehabilitation Project

The Terres Neuves Resettlement Project provided funds for the resettlement of about 300 families from the Groundnut Basin to unexploited land in Eastern Senegal. Other objectives of…

Niger - Projet De Secours Contre La Sécheresse

The Drought Relief Project in Niger aimed at assisting the rural population in their efforts to overcome the consequences of a severe and extended drought period which had befallen…

Kenya - Second Smallholders Agricultural Credit Project

The Drought Relief Project in Niger aimed at assisting the rural population in their efforts to overcome the consequences of a severe and extended drought period which had befallen…

Mexico - Rio Colorado Irrigation Project

The Drought Relief Project in Niger aimed at assisting the rural population in their efforts to overcome the consequences of a severe and extended drought period which had befallen…

Nepal - Kathmandu Tourism Project

The Kathmandu Tourism Project in Nepal was achieved. The difficulties and delays experienced in trying to reach final agreement with the sponsors of the Hotel de l'Annapurna, although…

Ethiopia - Humera Agricultural Development Project

The Kathmandu Tourism Project in Nepal was achieved. The difficulties and delays experienced in trying to reach final agreement with the sponsors of the Hotel de l'Annapurna, although…

Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur Urban Transport Project

The Kathmandu Tourism Project in Nepal was achieved. The difficulties and delays experienced in trying to reach final agreement with the sponsors of the Hotel de l'Annapurna, although…