
Displaying 2191 - 2200 of 5577

Institutionalization of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems to Improve Public Sector Management

A growing number of countries are pursuing a results orientation by building or strengthening their government monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems. This paper provides an overview of the increasingly rich body…

Thailand - Finance Companies Restructuring Loan, Economic and Financial Adjustment Loan, and, Second Economic and Financial Adjustment Loan Projects

The main findings from the review of these loans suggest: given that the significant cost of cleansing financial crises can offset progress made over the years in poverty alleviation, and other social improvements, the…

Lesotho - Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project

The outcome of the project is rated moderately satisfactory. Although there was progress with enhancing the condition of the overall network, improving access to several remote communities, and the development of…

The World Bank's Support to Middle Income Countries: An Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) Review (Approach Paper)

This is an approach paper for the IEG's evaluation of the World Bank's Support to Middle Income Countries (MICs). The evaluation will focus on the development effectiveness of the World Bank's engagement in MICs and…

Independent Evaluation Group - MIGA 2006 Annual Report (Approach Paper)

This is an approach paper for the MIGA 2006 Annual Report, that will track the main themes of the previous reports arising from the evaluation findings on the development effectiveness of MIGA guarantees and technical…

Uruguay - Vocational Training and Technological Development Project, and the First and Second Basic Education Quality Improvement Projects

All three projects largely met their targets, and their outcomes are rated satisfactory. The MECAEP I and II projects succeeded in increasing equity through improved participation of the most disadvantaged students in…

Efficacité de l'appui de la Banque mondiale au développement de proximité et au développement mené par la communauté: Évaluation de l'OED

Le présent rapport analyse l'efficacité de l'aide accordée par la Banque mondiale au secteur dynamique du développement de proximité (CBD) et du développement mené par la communauté (CDD). Ce…

Albania - Country assistance strategy (CAS) completion report review

The Albania country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) evaluates the effectiveness of Bank assistance during FY2002-05, which was based on the CAS of May 28, 2002. The…

Turkey - The World Bank in Turkey, 1993-2004 : country assistance evaluation (Turkish)

This report's assessments are as follows: The outcomes of the overall Bank program are rated moderately satisfactory, with substantial institutional development impact and likely sustainability. In the coming years the…

Pakistan - Public Sector Adjustment Loan/Credit Project (PSAL), Structural Adjustment Loan Project (SAL), and the First and Second Structural Adjustment Credit (SAC I and SAC II) Projects

Ratings for the four projects are as follows: PSAL's outcome is rated moderately unsatisfactory; Improvements in loan repayment have been sustained and are likely to continue. Subsequent debt rescheduling and…