
Displaying 1 - 10 of 88

Pakistan - Country Partnership Framework FY15-FY20 Completion and Learning Review : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Pakistan’s Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), FY15-FY19, as updated in the…

Pakistan: First and Second Programmatic Fiscally Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Development Policy Credit (PPAR)

This Project Performance Assessment Report evaluates a programmatic series of two development policy operations for Pakistan. The series was the World Bank’s first policy-based operation in Pakistan in more than a…

Pakistan - First Programmatic Fiscally Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Project and Second Programmatic Fiscally Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Project

Ratings for the First and Second Programmatic Fiscally Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Development Policy Credits are as follows: Outcome was moderately satisfactory, Risk to…

Pakistan - Country partnership strategy completion report (CPSCR) review for the period FY2010-14 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the FY10-FY13 Pakistan Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and of the FY2012-FY2014 CPS Progress Report (CPSPR). The CPS was jointly implemented by IBRD, IDA, and IFC and covers…

Do Conditional Cash Transfers Lead to Medium-Term Impacts? Evidence from a Female School Stipend Program in Pakistan

In an effort to fill the gap in evidence on the medium- and long-term effects of conditional cash transfer (CCTs), this report evaluates one such program at public girls‘ schools in Pakistan, the Punjab Female School…

Pakistan - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2006-09 : IEG review

The FY2006 country assistance strategy (CAS) was designed to support Pakistan's strategic goals as articulated in the 2003 poverty reduction strategy paper and embodied in the 2005-10…

Evaluation of the World Bank's Assistance to Basic Education in Pakistan: Pakistan Country Study

In 2006, the Independent Evaluation Group issued From Schooling Access to Learning Outcomes: An Unfinished Agenda, which assessed the development effectiveness of World Bank assistance to improve countries' knowledge…

Pakistan - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2002-05 : IEG review

This country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review covers the period June 2002 through June 2005. The main objectives of the CAS were: (i) strengthening the basis for…

Pakistan: Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE)

This report examines World Bank assistance to Pakistan during the period 1994-2003. It analyzes the objectives and content of the Bank's assistance program during this period, the outcomes in terms of economic and…

Pakistan - Public Sector Adjustment Loan/Credit Project (PSAL), Structural Adjustment Loan Project (SAL), and the First and Second Structural Adjustment Credit (SAC I and SAC II) Projects

Ratings for the four projects are as follows: PSAL's outcome is rated moderately unsatisfactory; Improvements in loan repayment have been sustained and are likely to continue. Subsequent debt rescheduling and…