
Displaying 711 - 720 of 5577

Knowledge Flow and Collaboration Under the World Bank's New Operating Model (Approach Paper)

This evaluation will assess whether operational structures, processes, and behaviors embedded in the World Bank’s new operating model (that is, the model associated with the Global Practices and Cross-cutting Solutions…
Addressing Global Inequality

Addressing Global Inequality- Can We Succeed?

How well has the World Bank Group incorporated the shared prosperity goal into its various products and services, across regions, global practices and World Bank Group institutions?
Rural Non Farm and Poverty

Conversations: Is Growing the Non-Farm Economy the Key to Reducing Rural Poverty?

Excerpts from an recent panel discussion about the role of the non-farm economy in alleviating poverty in rural areas, and what the World Bank Group can do to better support it
Development Diplomacy Trade and Evaluation

Development, Diplomacy, Trade (and Evaluation)

As the use of evaluation to assess across multiple dimensions evolves, so must the criteria, methods and tools we use.
When will we ever learn

On My Mind: "When Will We Ever Learn?"

Is it surprising that evaluations keep surfacing many of the same issues?
2018 Here We Come

2018 Here We Come - Thoughts on the Year Ahead

Insights for the evaluation and development community for coming year, and beyond.
The Power of Data Visualization

The Power of Data Visualization- An Evaluator's Experience

How IEG learned that "less is more" when presenting our data for maximum impact.

Towards Urban Resilience: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Evolving Approach 2007-2017 (Approach Paper)

Half of humanity – 3.5 billion people – lives in cities today and by 2030, 60% of the world’s population will live in urban areas. Urbanization has the potential to lift people out of poverty and increase prosperity,…
Strengthening the Role of Data in Policymaking

Conversations: Strengthening the role of data in policy making-Perspectives from the World Bank Group, OECD, and AidData

Excerpts rom a recent panel discussion about how to strengthen data production and its use for development and policy making
2017 in Review

2017 in Review – The Best of What Works

The very best of IEG's #WhatWorks blog posts from 2017.