
Displaying 4621 - 4630 of 5577

Romania - Turceni Thermal Power Project

The Technical Assistance Project in Nepal was implemented. The credit was effective in bringing about follow-up investment but was significantly less successful in the pursuit of the…

Swaziland - Rural Development Project

The Technical Assistance Project in Nepal was implemented. The credit was effective in bringing about follow-up investment but was significantly less successful in the pursuit of the…

Algeria - Technical Assistance - Rural Development Project

This is a performance audit of the Technical Assistance – Rural Development Project in Algeria. The audit finds that the Project Completion Report covers adequately the project's…

Algérie - Projet D'Assistance Technique - Développement Rural

This is a performance audit of the Technical Assistance – Rural Development Project in Algeria. The audit finds that the Project Completion Report covers adequately the project's…

Philippines - First and Second Structural Adjustment Loan Projects

This is a performance audit of the Technical Assistance – Rural Development Project in Algeria. The audit finds that the Project Completion Report covers adequately the project's…

Turkey - Railway Project

This is a performance audit of the Technical Assistance – Rural Development Project in Algeria. The audit finds that the Project Completion Report covers adequately the project's…

Turkey - Second and Third Structural Adjustment Loan Projects

This is a performance audit of the Technical Assistance – Rural Development Project in Algeria. The audit finds that the Project Completion Report covers adequately the project's…

Syria - Second Highway Project

This is a performance audit of the Technical Assistance – Rural Development Project in Algeria. The audit finds that the Project Completion Report covers adequately the project's…

Sudan - Port Project

This is a performance audit of the Technical Assistance – Rural Development Project in Algeria. The audit finds that the Project Completion Report covers adequately the project's…

Mexico - Integrated Rural Development Project

This is a performance audit of the Integrated Rural Development Project Papaloapan Basin in Mexico, for which loan was approved in October 1974 and closed on December 1982, after…