
Displaying 1891 - 1900 of 5577

Independent Evaluation o f IFC's Development Results (IEDR): 2009 Knowledge for Private Sector Development Enhancing the Performance o f IFC Advisory Services (Approach Paper)

This is an approach paper for the 2009 IEDR, which will have two parts with one cross cutting theme: the development effectiveness and additionality of IFC's interventions. The first part o f the report would present…

India - Telecommunications Sector Reform Technical Assistance Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the India Telecommunications Sector Reform Technical Assistance Project, which was intended to support the reform of the country's telecommunications sector…

Employment Creation and Earnings Growth:
An Assessment of World Bank Support in
Three Middle-Income Countries (Approach Paper)

This approach paper proposes an evaluation of World Bank support for earnings growth and employment creation in three middle-income countries—Colombia, Tunisia, and Turkey. All three countries received significant…

Decentralization in Client Countries: An Evaluation of World Bank Support, 1997-2007

Developing countries have decentralized functions and responsibilities for service delivery to lower levels of government at an increasing pace in recent years. The main reasons for such reforms are often political, but…

Supporting Environmental Sustainability: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Experience, 1990-2007

The Bank Group's lending and non-lending support for environmental sustainability has increased and improved over the past 15 years. But the institution needs to raise the priority it accords to this area of rising…

An Independent Evaluation of the World Bank/IFC Doing Business Indicators

The Doing Business Indicators, an annual World Bank-IFC publication launched in 2004, has become one of the Bank Group's flagship knowledge products. This independent evaluation of the Doing Business Indicators assesses…

The Welfare Impact of Rural Electrification: A Reassessment of the Costs and Benefits

Rural electrification has been claimed to have substantial benefits, promoting production and better health and education. Yet coverage rates remain very low across Africa and in some other countries around the world.…

Annual Review of Development Effectiveness 2008: Shared Global Challenges (FTB).

This is a Fast Track Brief for the Annual Review of Development Effectiveness 2008: Shared Global Challenges (FTB). IEG's evaluation findings show that development outcomes from Bank lending have improved over the…

The World Bank's Economic and Sector Work and Technical Assistance, FY00-06 (FTB)

Economic and sector work (ESW) and nonlending technical assistance (TA) are two of the analytical and advisory services (AAA) through which the Bank provides knowledge support to its client countries. The objectives of…

IFC in Indonesia: An Independent Country Impact Review

IEG’s Country Impact Review (CIR) evaluates IFC’s strategies and operations, and their outcome drivers in Indonesia, during fiscal year (FY) 1990-2006. The CIR’s main messages are: 1) while IFC's strategic…