
Displaying 1871 - 1880 of 5577

Burkina Faso - First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Poverty Reduction Support Credit Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) on six lending operations to the Republic of Burkina Faso from 2001 to 2006 to assist the country in implementing its poverty reduction strategy. The purpose of…

Evaluation of the World Bank Group's Experience with Safeguard and Sustainability Policy (Approach Paper)

World Bank Group (WBG) and other international financial institutions have developed safeguard and sustainability policies to address environmental and social concerns about public and private sector investments in…

Romania - Second Roads Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Roads Two Project. The project had five development objectives: to improve traffic safety and the fitness of the vehicle fleet; to continue helping…

Romania - Telecommunications Reform and Privatization Support Project

The Romania Telecommunications Reform and Privatization Support Project was designed to support the reform of the country's telecommunications sector. The objectives of the project were (1) To assist Romania in…

IFC in Nigeria: 1998-2007: An Independent Country Impact Review

IEG's Country Impact Review examines the effectiveness of IFC's operations in Nigeria from July 1998 to December 2007. In particular, this study evaluates whether IFC 1) successfully defined a relevant and appropriate…

Benin - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2004-06 : IEG review

The FY04 CAS sought to help reduce poverty by aligning Bank assistance with the objectives of the Government~^!!^s 2002 PRSP, which were to: (i) consolidate macroeconomic stability…

Mozambique Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

Since Mozambique joined the Bank in 1984, the Bank has loaned the country $3.5 billion and carried out a large number of analytical and advisory activities. This evaluation will focus on Bank assistance to Mozambique…

The World Bank Group Guarantee Instruments 1990-2007

Foreign direct investment and private capital flows are highly concentrated geographically, with almost half of them reaching five top destinations. These flows tend to evade many high-risk countries. Regulatory and…

Climate Change and the World Bank Group: Phase I - A Evaluation of World Bank Win-Win Energy Policy Reforms

Climate change threatens to derail development, even as development pumps ever-greater quantities of carbon dioxide into an atmosphere already polluted with two centuries of Western emissions. The World Bank, with a…

Annual Review of Development Effectiveness 2009: Achieving Sustainable Development

The global financial crisis has driven up demand for World Bank support to mitigate the effects of the crisis on the poor. At the same time, concern has intensified that every development dollar be used effectively and…