
Displaying 31 - 40 of 159
Professionalization With a View to Eval2030

Professionalization With a View to Eval2030

The conversation about professionalization in evaluation has a long history, and often raises much concern and interest.
Financial Inclusion - A Foothold on the Ladder toward Prosperity?

Financial Inclusion - A Foothold on the Ladder toward Prosperity?

A new IEG evaluation looks at the World Bank's experience in supporting financial inclusion over a seven-year period.

Colombia - First Phase of the Productive Partnerships Support Project

The objective of the project - the relevance of which is rated Substantial by this assessment -- was to generate income, create employment and promote social cohesion of poor rural communities in an economic and…
Is the World Bank Group on course to meet the twin goals?

Is the World Bank Group on course to meet the twin goals?

Underpinning the World Bank Group's strategic focus are the twin goals. How is IEG contributing to helping the World Bank Group stay on track?
Can the World Bank "kick" this Habit?

Can the World Bank "kick" this Habit?

On October 8, IEG convened a panel to discuss why the World Bank seems to have a hard time ensuring that its projects and programs are systematically informed by experience from the past and analysis from available data…
Informed Solutions from the Solutions Bank

[Getting to] Informed Solutions from the Solutions Bank

Can the World Bank get better at systematically leveraging the best evidence - from data and past experience – when shaping new development projects and programs?
Financial Inclusion: A Foothold on the Ladder toward Prosperity?

Financial Inclusion: A Foothold on the Ladder toward Prosperity?

Financial inclusion—access by poor families and microenterprises to financial services—has been an objective of the World Bank Group for a long time, reaffirmed in 2013 by President Jim Kim's commitment to the Universal…
What will it take to achieve electricity for all by 2030?

What will it take to achieve electricity for all by 2030?

To understand the scale of the challenge, consider the facts. Today, over one billion people have no access to electricity. About 600 million of these people live in Sub-Saharan Africa. And according to a recent…
electricity access, what will it take to achieve electricity access for all by 2030

IEG LIVE: What will it take to achieve Electricity Access for All by 2030?

Watch a replay of the panel discussion about the World Bank Group's role in the Sustainable Energy for All initiative, as well as IEG's evaluation of World Bank Group support to electricity access.

Improving Coverage and Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Services in Lao PDR: Impact Evaluation of the Community Nutrition Project

The World Bank supported the Community Nutrition Project (CNP) in Lao PDR from 2009 to 2013 to respond to the global food crisis of 2007-08. The project was administered through a conditional cash transfer (CCT) with a…