
Displaying 3231 - 3240 of 5577

Yemen: Forging a New Consensus

Arabic translation of the english document.

Aid Coordination and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: the West Bank and Gaza Experience

Arabic translation of the english document.

China - Pharmaceutical Project

The project outcome is rated as unsatisfactory, sustainability as unlikely, institutional development impact as modest, Bank performance as unsatisfactory, and Borrower performance as…

Bolivia - Structural Adjustment Program Project, Public Financce Management Operation I Project, and Economic Management Strengthening Operation Project

The report rates the outcome of the Structural Adjustment Program Project as marginally satisfactory, Bank performance as unsatisfactory, Government performance as satisfactory,…

Ethiopia - Structural Adjustment Credit Project

The project outcome is rated as satisfactory, sustainability as likely, institutional development as modest, Borrower performance as satisfactory, and Bank performance as satisfactory…

Madagascar - Energy I Project

The audit rates the Energy I Project as follows: satisfactory outcome, modest institutional development impact, uncertain sustainability (due to the power utility's precarious…

Aid Coordination and the CDF (REACH)


Mali - Fifth Highway Project

The outcome of the project is rated as marginally satisfactory, sustainability as uncertain, institutional development as modest, Bank performance as satisfactory, and Borrower…

Afrique subsaharienne : Enseignements tirés de quatre secteurs

Entre 1992 et 1997, la Banque a mené à bien en Afrique subsaharienne 287 projets d'un coût total de 9,6 milliards de dollars, dans quatre secteurs essentiels : l'agriculture, l'éducation, la santé et la…

La santé au Brésil : S'attaquer à la complexité du système

Les programmes de la Banque mondiale dans le secteur de la santé au Brésil sont adaptés aux besoins, mais ils ont donné des résultats mitigés, d'après une récente étude du Département de l'…