
Displaying 3281 - 3290 of 5577

Apoyo a pequeñas empresas

En muchas ocasiones, el Banco prestó apoyo a pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME) para alentar el empleo de trabajadores con salarios bajos y diversificar y ampliar la base de la economía. Por lo general, la…

Asistencia en casos de desastre

Los desastres naturales, como el huracán Mitch, no son acontecimientos aislados: los mismos tipos de desastres azotan una y otra vez a los mismos países. Cuando se compara la devastación causada por las…

Evaluation Capacity Development in Africa - Selected Proceedings from a Seminar in Abidjan

This report is the proceedings of the Regional Seminar and Workshop, Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Development in Africa, held in Abidjan November 6-9, 1998. The objectives of the workshop were to provide an…

Lessons from Experience in HNP

This report describes the evolution and performance of the Bank's health, nutrition, and population sector loan portfolio and analyzes the factors that drive performance. The analysis is based on a review of all…

An Evaluation of the Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS)


L'aide en cas de catastrophe naturelle

Les catastrophes naturelles telles que le passage du cyclone Mitch n'ont pas un caractère exceptionnel : elles s'abattent régulièrement sur les mêmes pays. La comparaison des dégâts provoqués par…

Aide aux petites entreprises

La Banque a participé à de nombreuses opérations d'aide aux petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) pour encourager l'embauche de travailleurs à bas salaires et pour diversifier et élargir l'activité économique.…

Support for Smaller Enterprises

The Bank has often supported small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) to encourage employment of lower-paid wage earners and to diversify and broaden the base of an economy. The strategy for smaller enterprises has…

Tunisia - Education and Training Project

The outcome of the project is rated as satisfactory; institutional development as modest; sustainability as likely; borrower performance as satisfactory; and Bank performance as…

Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Uganda

Post-colonial events in Uganda are most easily divisible into four periods corresponding to the dominant political regimes: The newly independent government of Obote from 1963-71; the Amin Era 1971-79; Obote II 1980-85…