
Displaying 3181 - 3190 of 5577

Indonesia - Industrial Restructuring Project

The overall assessment of the project was unsatisfactory, and will not be sustainable. On balance, the project's complex design, dependent on the successful precision of all its…

Bangladesh - Third Fisheries Project

The audit of the Third Fisheries Project agrees with all of the ICR ratings, which are satisfactory on outcome, Bank, and Borrower performance; substantial on institutional…

Dominican Republic - Primary Education Development Project

The project's outcome is rated as satisfactory, having achieved all of its objectives. The development and implementation of sector policies was its major contribution, in particular…

Cameroon - Structural Adjustment Loan, Structural Adjustment Credit I, and Economic Recovery Credit

This audit report covers the Structural Adjustment Loan (SAL), Structural Adjustment Credit (SAC) I, and Economic Recovery Credit (ERC). The outcomes of the SAL/SAC were rated as…

Uganda - First and Second Structural Adjustment Credit Projects

This report rates the First Structural Adjustment Credit (SAC1) as highly satisfactory, based on its relevance, high efficacy and fully satisfactory cost-effectiveness, and, the…

Ecuador Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) focuses on the Bank ' s 1990s experience in Ecuador, relative to the 1993 country assistance strategy (CAS), regretfully, a strategy which underestimated the risks associated…

Côte d'Ivoire: Revue de l'aide de la Banque mondiale au pays


Cambodia - Emergency Rehabilitation Credit and Economic Rehabilitation Credit Projects

The Emergency Rehabilitation Project (ERP) was the first IDA project in Cambodia, and was followed by the Economic Rehabilitation Credit (ERC). The overall objective of the two…

Developing Towns and Cities: Lessons from Brazil and the Philippines

The World Bank has been financing projects in support of municipal development for some 20 years. This study presents and analyzes the concrete results of four successful projects in Brazil and the Philippines,…

Development Effectiveness in Health, Nutrition, and Population: Lessons from World Bank Experience
