
Displaying 791 - 800 of 5577

Brazil - Completion and learning review of the country partnership framework for the period FY12 - FY15 : IEG review

Brazil is an upper middle-income with a GNI per capita income of $9,990 in 2015. During the review period, Brazil’s annual economic growth declined from 4.1 percent prior to the CPS (2008- 2011) to 0.3 percent during…
Conversations: the Future of Development Evaluation

Conversations: the Future of Development Evaluation

A candid conversation as to whether it is time to re-think DAC evaluation criteria – relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability; in short R/E/E/I/S – that underpin most evaluations in international…
Four Ways the World Bank Group Can Help Countries Mobilize More Tax Revenue

Four Ways the World Bank Group Can Help Countries Mobilize More Tax Revenue

Emerging and developing economies need to mobilize more tax revenue in order to achieve the 2030 Development Agenda. A recent IEG review offers insights as to how the World Bank Group can help.

Using Evaluation Evidence to Improve the Effectiveness of World Bank Group Involvement in Middle-Income Countries Dealing with Fragility, Conflict, and Violence (2018)

The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), in partnership with the Fragility, Conflict, and Violence Cross-Cutting Solutions Area (FCV CCSA) organized a regional learning event on March 28, 2017, in Manila, the Philippines…

Romania : development policy loan with a deferred drawdown option

This PPAR evaluates the Romania development policy loan with a deferred drawdown option (DPL-DDO). In the fragile postcrisis global economic context, the government requested the €1 billion loan to consolidate fiscal…

Madagascar - Completion and learning review for country assistance strategy for the period FY07-FY13 : IEG review

This Review covers both Madagascar’s Country Assistance Strategy (CAS, FY07-FY11) and Interim Strategy Note (ISN, FY12-FY13). While the CAS was a joint WBG document, the ISN was an IDA only document. The CAS…

Nepal : second rural water supply and sanitation project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) reviews the World Bank’s Nepal Second Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS) Project, a follow-on to the First Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project, which closed…
Electricity for All: Are we there yet?

Video: Electricity for All: Are We There Yet?

Video Presentation
Evaluability and why it is Important for Evaluators and Non-Evaluators

Evaluability and why it is Important for Evaluators and Non-Evaluators

Evaluability assessments can help us ask fundamental questions about the strategic allocation of scarce evaluation resources and strengthen internal monitoring processes.

Panama : improving basic health, equity, and opportunities among indigenous and poor rural communities

Ratings for the Social protection Project and Health Equity and Performance Improvement Project were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, risk to development outcome was…