Displaying 2671 - 2680 of 5582
2002 Annual Report on Evaluation Capacity Development
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is necessary to achieve evidence-based policy-making, management, and accountability these uses make M&E invaluable for the effective management of public expenditures toward…
Développement des capacités d'évaluation: une priorité grandissante
Il ressort du premier Rapport annuel sur le développement des capacités d'évaluation présenté par l'OED que la Banque mondiale a entrepris de renforcer son action àl'appui du renforcement des capacitÅ
Evaluation Capacity Development: A Growing Priority
OED's first Annual Report on Evaluation Capacity Development (AREC) finds that the World Bank is increasing its support for Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD) activities and is currently active in 21 countries. ECD…
El desarrollo de la capacidad de evaluación: una prioridad cada vez más importante
El primer informe anual sobre el desarrollo de la capacidad de evaluación (Annual Report on Evaluation Capacity Development), preparado por el DEO, señala que el Banco Mundial está prestando un apoyo cada vez…
Maldives - The First and Second Education and Training Projects
This performance assessment report rates two projects in the Maldives: The Education and Training Project. For both projects, the project outcome is rated highly satisfactory. Institutional development is rated…
Zambia Country Assistance Evaluation
This Country Assistance Evaluation assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank's program in Zambia from FY96 onwards, as a follow-up to an earlier OED evaluation (Zambia Country Assistance Review, Report No…
Renforcer la gestion de la biodiversité grâce à la participation de tous les acteurs concernés
Selon l'Institut mondial des ressources naturelles, au rythme actuel de la déforestation et du défrichage des terres, 5 à10 % de la biodiversité des forêts disparaîtront au cours des trois prochaines…
Fortalecimiento de la gestión de la biodiversidad basado en la participación
Según el Instituto de Recursos Mundiales, si se mantienen las actuales tasas de deforestación y desmonte de tierras, entre el 5% y el 10% de la biodiversidad de los bosques tropicales desaparecerá en los tres…
Building Biodiversity Governance Through Stakeholder Participation
According to the World Resources Institute, at current rates of deforestation and land clearance, 5 to 10 percent of tropical forest biodiversity will vanish over the next three decades. There are many pressures on…
Review of Impact Evaluation Methodologies Used By The Operations Evaluation Department Over Past 25 Years
The purpose of this review is to: (i) take stock of impact evaluations conducted by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) over the past 25 years; (ii) examine the methodologies used; and (iii) extract lessons for…