
Displaying 2261 - 2270 of 5577

Morocco - Second Large Scale Irrigation Improvement Project, and Irrigated Areas Agricultural Services Project

The outcome of the Irrigated Area Agricultural services Project for Morocco is rated moderately satisfactory. The outcome of the Second Large-scale Irrigation Improvement Project (SLIIP) is rated as moderately…

Uganda - Cotton subsector Development Project and Agricultural Research and Training Project

The audit largely concurs with the Implementation Completion Report's ratings, of satisfactory project outcome for both projects, and of satisfactory performances by both the Bank and Borrower; yet, it upgrades the…

Uganda - Sexually Transmitted Infections Project

Project ratings for the Uganda Sexually Transmitted Infections Project are as follows: Project outcome is moderately unsatisfactory; sustainability is likely; institutional…

Yemen - Basic Education Project

The audit concurs, by and large, with the Implementation Completion Report's ratings of satisfactory project outcomes, modest institutional development impacts, and satisfactory…

Republic of Yemen - Vocational Training Project

Project ratings are as follows: Project outcome is moderately unsatisfactory; sustainability is likely; institutional development impact is modest; Bank performance is unsatisfactory…

Bangladesh - Integrated Nutrition Project

There were institutional problems in the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project (BINP) which hampered implementation. The Implementation Completion Report suggests that the inter-…

Indonesia - HIV/AIDS and STDs Prevention and Management Project

The project ratings for the Indonesia HIV/AIDS and STDs Prevention and Management Project are as follows: Project outcome is unsatisfactory; sustainability is unlikely; institutional…

Burkina Faso - Country assistance strategy (CAS) completion report review

The Operations Evaluation Department - OED - review of the FY01-05 Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) program and the CAS Completion Report (CASCR) finds acceptable progress towards…

Uruguay - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2001-05 : OED review

Operations evaluation department (OED) finds that the Bank assistance over the FY2001 to FY2005 period helped cushion the impact of Uruguay's financial crisis. The country assistance…

Egypt - Country assistance strategy (CAS) completion report review

This country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) covers the FY2002-04 CAS. The overarching objective of the CAS was to reduce poverty and unemployment, relevant and…