
Displaying 2571 - 2580 of 5577

Guinea - The Second Education, the Education SAC, Equity and School Improvement, Higher Education Management Support, and Pre-Service Teacher Education Project

On balance, project outcomes were rated satisfactory. Though most objectives of Education I1 were not met, the project was rated moderately satisfactory because the infrastructure and staff training it provided has…

Tunisia - Agricultural Research and Extension Project, Agricultural Research and Sector Investment Project, Northwest Mountainous Areas Development Project, and National Rural Finance Project

The project outcome of the Agricultural Research and Extension Project is rated as unsatisfactory, and sustainability is unlikely. Bank performance is rated unsatisfactory because a firmer line should have been taken on…

Lithuania - Klaipeda Environmental Project and Siauliai Environmental Project

The outcome of the Klaipeda project is rated as satisfactory. The outcome of Siauliai is rated as moderately satisfactory. Relevance of both projects was high given the need to clean up the Baltic Sea, Lithuania ' s…

Mali - Household Energy Project

The PPAR rates project outcome as moderately unsatisfactory rather than satisfactory because although reasonable success was achieved in meeting several of the quantitative targets, several fundamental issues crucial to…

Zambia - Agricultural Sector Investment Program

Project outcome is rated unsatisfactory, sustainability unlikely, institutional development modest, and Bank and Borrower performance rated unsatisfactory. The project is rated against its original objectives, which…

Mexico - Transport Air Quality Management for Mexico City, Highway Rehabilitation and Safety, and Infrastructure Privatization Technical Assistance Projects

This audit concurs with the satisfactory ratings of project outcomes by the Implementation Completion Report (ICR), regarding the Transport Air Quality Management in Mexico City (…

Bangladesh - Female Secondary School Assistance Project

Project outcome is rated moderately satisfactory because main objectives were only partly achieved. Institutional development is rated modest. Sustainability is rated likely, because commitment to increasing enrollment…

Benin - Agricultural Services Restructuring Project, Community-Based Food Security Project, and the Second Rural Savings and Loans Cooperatives Rehabilitation Project

This assessment rates the overall outcome of the Agricultural Services Restructuring Project (PRSA) as moderately unsatisfactory. Some objectives were either not achieved or only partially achieved, such as…

Romania - Education Reform Project and Reform of Higher Education and Research Project

This is the first set of OED assessments in the education sector to be carried out in a transitional economy. The assessments were conducted to study the effectiveness of bank strategy in transitional economies, and…

Sri Lanka - Third Roads Project, Colombo Urban Transport Project, Colombo Environmental Improvement, and Year 2000 Emergency Assistance Projects

Attached is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) prepared by the Operations Evaluation Department on the above projects. For the Third Roads Project, the World Bank approved a credit of US$42.5 million on…