
Displaying 1681 - 1690 of 5577

IEG Review of Twenty World Bank-Funded Projects in Tiger Landscapes (Evaluation Brief)

Biodiversity is critical to the integrity of ecosystems that support species and human well-being. As a charismatic endangered species, tigers have become a powerful symbol of biodiversity loss as their numbers have…

Montenegro - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2007-FY2010 : IEG review

The FY07-FY10 Montenegro Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) was a joint strategy of IBRD and IFC. It was updated in the FY09 CPS Progress Report (CPSPR). This review evaluates the CPS…

Peru: Country Program Evaluation for the World Bank Group, 2003–09

Since 2003, Peru has emerged as an open, rapidly growing economy. Over the review period of 2003–09, successive governments adopted policy platforms aimed at maintaining macroeconomic stability, furthering the private…

Assessing the Long-Term Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers on Human Capital: Evidence from Colombia (Impact Evaluation)

Conditional cash transfers (CCTs) are programs under which poor families get a stipend condi-tional on certain actions, for example keeping their children in school or taking them for health checks. While there is…

Monitoring and Evaluation in the United States Government: An Overview

The U.S. government‘s long history of concern with accountability and oversight continues and evolves in new directions. The last two decades have seen an increased interest in outcomes-based performance…

A Multicomponent Irrigation Program in Peru: Evaluating the Impact on Farm Households

This impact evaluation of a World Bank-supported irrigation program in Peru finds that the program led to agricultural improvements and economic welfare gains for farmers in the rural coastal area of that country. Two…

The World Bank Group in West Bank and Gaza, 2001-2009

This evaluation assesses the outcomes of the World Bank Group program in the West Bank and Gaza from 2001 to 2009. It combines an assessment of the outcomes of the programs of the World Bank Group member institutions:…

The Matrix System at the World Bank (Approach Paper)

The World Bank's ability to deliver effective country operations and services is contingent upon responsiveness to the client and technical excellence. Both responsiveness and effective use of technical capacity depend…

World Bank Group Cooperation: Evidence and Lessons from IEG Evaluations (Evaluation Brief)

This brief is intended to bring together the evaluation evidence assembled by IEG on such cooperation. An assessment was conducted in 2008 and completed in February 2009. Although not itself an evaluation, this brief…

Bhutan - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2006-09 : IEG review

The FY2006-09 Bhutan country assistance strategy (CAS) was a joint strategy of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Finance Corporation (IFC…