
Displaying 5051 - 5060 of 5577

Pakistan - Flood Damage Restoration Project

The Flood Damage Restoration Project in Pakistan was successful. International Development Association (IDA) probably could not have done more than it did to get required foreign…

Sri Lanka - Agricultural Development Project

The Agricultural Development Project in Sri Lanka was accomplished. Credit disbursements were much slower than anticipated. This seems to have been due to a number of factors: (a) an…

Bolivia - First and Second Railway Projects

The Agricultural Development Project in Sri Lanka was accomplished. Credit disbursements were much slower than anticipated. This seems to have been due to a number of factors: (a) an…

Pakistan - Third Telecommunications Project

The Third Telecommunications Project in Pakistan was successful. The Bank's performance has been generally good. It has given valuable technical advice and assistance. It has also…

Indonesia - Second, Third and Fourth Irrigation Rehabilitation Projects

The Third Telecommunications Project in Pakistan was successful. The Bank's performance has been generally good. It has given valuable technical advice and assistance. It has also…

Indonesia - Second and Third Highway Projects

The Third Telecommunications Project in Pakistan was successful. The Bank's performance has been generally good. It has given valuable technical advice and assistance. It has also…

Mali - Integrated Rural Development Project

The Third Telecommunications Project in Pakistan was successful. The Bank's performance has been generally good. It has given valuable technical advice and assistance. It has also…

Haiti - Power Project

The Third Telecommunications Project in Pakistan was successful. The Bank's performance has been generally good. It has given valuable technical advice and assistance. It has also…

Chile - Second Highway Construction Project

The Third Telecommunications Project in Pakistan was successful. The Bank's performance has been generally good. It has given valuable technical advice and assistance. It has also…

Trinidad and Tobago - Telecommunications Project

The Third Telecommunications Project in Pakistan was successful. The Bank's performance has been generally good. It has given valuable technical advice and assistance. It has also…