
Displaying 91 - 95 of 95

Gabon - Second Highway Project

This report covers an audit of the experience under the Program Loan (Loan 911-ZA) to Zambia. The loan was intended to provide resources to assist Zambia to carry out a reduced…

Turkey - Ninth Industrial Development Bank (TSKB) Project

This report covers an audit of the experience under the Program Loan (Loan 911-ZA) to Zambia. The loan was intended to provide resources to assist Zambia to carry out a reduced…

Sierra Leone - Education Project

This report covers an audit of the experience under the Program Loan (Loan 911-ZA) to Zambia. The loan was intended to provide resources to assist Zambia to carry out a reduced…

Nigeria - Highway Rehabilitation Project

This report covers an audit of the experience under the Program Loan (Loan 911-ZA) to Zambia. The loan was intended to provide resources to assist Zambia to carry out a reduced…

Madagascar - Highway Project

The Highway Project in Madagascar was achieved. The first International Development Association (IDA) credit to Madagascar was implemented successfully with only minor delays. The…