
Displaying 51 - 60 of 95

Uganda - Highway Project

The Fourth Highway Project of Yugoslavia has been successfully completed and with one minor exception all within the loan closing date. The loan covenants were substantially complied…

Malagasy Republic - Lake Alaotra Irrigation Project

The Lake Alaotra Irrigation Project in Malagasy Republic was implemented. Bank supervision during implementation lacked intensity and continuity. Project performance suffered from a…

Pakistan - First and Second Industrial Imports Program

The First and Second Industrial Imports Program in Pakistan achieved its objective of supporting Pakistan's balance of payments and contributing to the revival of industrial activity…

Korea - Program Loan Project

The First and Second Industrial Imports Program in Pakistan achieved its objective of supporting Pakistan's balance of payments and contributing to the revival of industrial activity…

Pakistan - Second Karachi Port Project

The Second Karachi Port Project in Pakistan achieved its objective. The project took much longer to complete than expected. Despite the delays, the cost overrun was only 27 percent.…

Sierra Leone - Second Power Project

The Second Karachi Port Project in Pakistan achieved its objective. The project took much longer to complete than expected. Despite the delays, the cost overrun was only 27 percent.…

Cameroon - First Douala Port Project

The Second Karachi Port Project in Pakistan achieved its objective. The project took much longer to complete than expected. Despite the delays, the cost overrun was only 27 percent.…

Gabon - Education Project

The Second Karachi Port Project in Pakistan achieved its objective. The project took much longer to complete than expected. Despite the delays, the cost overrun was only 27 percent.…

Chile - Fifth Power Project

The Second Karachi Port Project in Pakistan achieved its objective. The project took much longer to complete than expected. Despite the delays, the cost overrun was only 27 percent.…

Iran - Telecommunications Project

The Second Karachi Port Project in Pakistan achieved its objective. The project took much longer to complete than expected. Despite the delays, the cost overrun was only 27 percent.…